
Converts SoundFont sf2 file to Renoise XRNI files

Primary LanguageC#

* What is this?

sf2xrni is a Renoise tool for creating XRNI (instrument) files from a
SoundFont sf2 file.

* Usage

	$ (mono) sf2xrni(.exe) sf2-files

	For mono, you'll need mono 2.8 or later.

	When you run the tool, a directory is created to contain a set of
	XRNI files. e.g. for file "foo.sf2" it will create directory "foo".

* Conversion Basics

	A soundfont file contains more than one Presets.
	A Preset is mapped to an XRN Instrument.
	A SF2 Preset contains more than one Instruments.
	An Instrument contains more than one Zones, and each Zone contains
	a SampleHeader, which is a set of information to retrieve raw sample.

	BaseNote is set from OverridingRootKey, or OriginalPitch.
	LoopMode is set from SampleModes.
	LoopStart/LoopEnd are set from those in SampleHeader.

	Resulting samples are sorted in KeyRange order and bound to SplitMap.

* Dependencies

sf2xrni uses a couple of libraries:

- NRenoiseTools, to write XRNI files.
- NAudio, which contains SoundFont2 file format support.
- ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib. It is just NRenoiseTools dependency

The prebuilt assemblies are in the repo. Note that I didn't copy NAudio.dll
from NRenoiseTools release binaries since 0.1.3. It is because the NAudio
version in NRenoiseTools misses some required bits used by sf2xrni. I have
imported it from NAudio project itself.