
Android Hacking Method 2022

MIT LicenseMIT


Program Features

-📌 Hack all Android phones.

-📌 Failure to detect antivirus.

-📌 Superior encryption

-📌 Source provided

-📌 100 ٪ FUD

-📌 It is not detectable by any antivirus.

-📌 Not recognizable by Google Play security shield.

-📌 Turn on the camera in front of the target.

-📌 Turn on the target rear camera.

-📌 Find the location or current location of the target.

-📌 In order to connect faster in some countries, Telegram has been used.

-📌 Listen to the surround sound of the target environment.

-📌 Send a message to the target.

-📌 Take a snapshot.

-📌 And ...

See how it works

Visit the following channels and sites for more training and tools: