Title: Pawnder
Team Members: Allan Tang, Manisha Sharma, Ross Teixeira
Heroku: https://polar-basin-9680.herokuapp.com/
Demo Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUEMF84mXH0
Idea: An application where fellow dog enthusiasts can find dogs to play with or have their own dogs meet up
Profile: name, e-mail, either dog lover or dog owner
has_many Messages
has_many Dogs
validation (can’t have two profiles for the same owner name)
Profile: name, age, breed, description
belongs_ to User
A tab that shows up on the root page only for person logged in
Show all messages that are for the current user only
belongs_to User
Users can log-in
Users can visit other Users request to meet up via Message model
Users classifed as Dog Lovers or Dog Owners, depending on if they own any dogs
Message model has reply functionality
Links on User page to their dog's profile
Gem that we added: annotate
- Shows useful schema information in the rb files
Manisha: CSS styling on view pages, Message model, controller, and view logic
Ross: Created screen cast, deployment to Heroku, Dog model, controller, and view logic
Allan: Initial base project functionality, Gem searching/adding, User model, controller, and view logic