
Target myRetail case study

Primary LanguageJava


Case Study

Development Environment

  • Docker (for running local mongoDB)
  • MongoDb (for running mongodbimport)
  • gradle
  • SprintBoot
  • IntelliJ

starting a MongoDb in Docker an populating it with test data.

docker run -itd --rm --name mongo_myretail -p 27017:27017 mongo

mongoimport --db Products --collection product --drop --jsonArray --file ./import.json

starting the application and removing the DB when you are done

gradle bootrun

docker stop mongo_myretail

or you can build the

Postman Collection

Import myRetail.postman_collection.json into Postman.

Calling the api from Commandline


curl http://localhost:8080/products


Invoke-Restmethod http://localhost:8080/products

Additional Thoughts

Add Exception handling

Add security. Before this could be deployed outside of a local development environment AuthN/AuthZ is required becuase the PUT and POST Methods give control of the data to anyone.

Add responses to PUT/POST methods

Implementing Hypermedia support (HATEOS) would be very useful as datasets get larger to enable paging.