- 3
Is ERC4973 backwards compatible with ERC721
#63 opened by umerarif01 - 2
Implement burn and issue auth
#60 opened by TimDaub - 0
Replace `function getHash()` with eip-5267
#62 opened by TimDaub - 0
Make most external interface functions overrideable like e.g. OZ's ERC721 implementation
#61 opened by TimDaub - 4
- 2
Agreement signature has changed to `bytes metadata` and so the sdk has to be updated too
#56 opened by TimDaub - 2
Failing tests: testGiveEOA() and testTakeEOA()
#46 opened by ra-phael - 0
An additional `bytes calldata data` to give and take could help extending the interface's functionality
#59 opened by TimDaub - 2
- 0
- 2
Is it a problem that `testTakeEOA` and `testGiveEOA` produce the same validation signature?
#42 opened by TimDaub - 0
consider making _mint private so that it is absolutely not used by implementers
#48 opened by TimDaub - 0
#47 opened by ra-phael - 2
- 2
Cannot import ERC4793.sol from NPM package
#43 opened by markcutajar - 1
Consider adding totalSupply
#44 opened by rahulrumalla - 6
- 4
Inclusion of uri in Transfer event
#40 opened by rahulrumalla - 1
Decleration shadow for tokenURI
#38 opened by markcutajar - 1
Unused variable `inventory`
#37 opened by rahulrumalla - 1
Release as npm Package
#1 opened by slavakurilyak - 0
Remove manually increased tokenId with uint256 generated through type cashing Agreement hash
#34 opened by TimDaub - 0
- 0
Now that function burn was renamed to function unequip we can't distinguish between someone disassociating themselves or "trashing" an item and someone unequipping it
#36 opened by TimDaub - 1
Validate re-introducing event Transfer(address,address,uint256) signature to improve backward-compatibility
#4 opened by TimDaub - 8
implement mint with permission
#7 opened by TimDaub - 0
Combine Permit and regular standard interface
#33 opened by TimDaub - 3
- 0
- 0
once is merged, create new tag for 3b906d5
#31 opened by TimDaub - 5
- 1
Risk in _mint() not using Counters
#27 opened by rahulrumalla - 0
- 3
- 0
The from in mintWithPermission must also allow a contract account (e.g. where the contract implements a permitter interface)
#24 opened by TimDaub - 0
- 9
mintWithPermission is infinitely callable but should only be callable once per type hash voucher
#22 opened by TimDaub - 5
public interface mintWithPermission must not have uint256 tokenId as it introduces synchronicity requirement for callers
#19 opened by TimDaub - 1
- 0
author field should include url to file
#16 opened by TimDaub - 1
- 0
remove inconsistently applied underscore naming convention of internal function
#13 opened by TimDaub - 0
- 0
Implement balanceOf
#11 opened by TimDaub - 0
Add safeMint function
#3 opened by TimDaub - 0
- 1
implement optional mint with permission
#6 opened by TimDaub - 0