
Hdmap as in Harberger dmap

Primary LanguageSolidity


Hdmap as in Harberger dmap


│                                                │
│ keys              meta              data       │
│                                                │
│ 0x000...00  ───►  0xabc...00  ───►  0xcafecafe │
│ 0x000...01                                     │
│ ...                                            │
│ 0x111...11  ───►  0x00000001  ───►  0xf0rd0000 │
│                                                │

   │   │  ┌───┐             Depreciating licenses
   │   │  │   │  ┌───┐
   │   │  │   │  │   │  ┌───┐
   │   │  │   │  │   │  │   │  ┌───┐

    #1  ─► #2  ─► #3  ─► #4  ─► #5



  1. Register a name space identifier for your
     organization: e.g. "maker".

  2. A `SimpleNameZone` is deployed when you call
     `assess(bytes32("maker"))`. SALSA-rules apply!

  3. Stow some keys (and lock them) e.g.

  4. Make sure you continously self-assess your
     namezone's property value! It's "partial
     common ownership" and can be bought by


  • Hdmap implements a Harberger tax as deprecating licenses for a dmap zonefab.
  • An sub-namezone owner can permanently or temporarly lock key value pairs. But write-access is permanently auctioned via depreciating licenses.
  • The tax is calculated on a per-block basis.
  • The tax rate is 1/31556952 per year. The denominator (31556952) is seconds in a year. Practically, it means that a self-assessed key worth 1 ether will accumulate a tax obligation of 1 ether/year.
  • Whenever a sub-namezone is transferred via function give(...), the recipient assumes the tax obligation.
  • All captured Harberger taxes are sent to Ethereum miners. Hdmap is an "Ethereum upgrade" and, hence, different from the many "protocols" issuing their own tokens or implementing egoistical rent-seeking.

why would anyone want to own this?

Harberger tax pricing or "partial common ownership" has some serious downsides compared to traditional private property. A Harberger property is technically always on sale to the highest bidder, and so when we're talking about building a domain name system: who would want their top-level .com domain to be robbed from a degen or whale? It's like getting up for a leak only to find your chair at the bar now taken by Chad!

But unfortunately, private property also has pretty significant problems which aren't widely recognized. Did you know that ALL 4 LETTER .com domains have been taken since 2013? Yes, that includes 23iu.com, a combination I generated by just slapping my keyboard spontaneously!

The problem is the externalities that private property's possessional effect has on its price. By law - anyone stealing privately held property is going to jail, and this protection is socialized through the state's taxes and police. For property residing in (conceptually) geographic locations where an owner isn't fully in control of their property's value, e.g., in an inner city or when we buy a .com domain: holding may be more profitable than developing.

We guess it's a cousin of Metcalfe's law, stating that the network's value is proportional to the square of its users [2]: While simultaneously saying that hence if you can own parts of the network under private property law: You'd be dumb to sell or improve as your property's value is a product of everybody else's membership! So free-riding is where profits are.

For a .com domain, or an apartment in Manhattan, this means the following: Unintuitively, as an owner of such property, you're not in control of its value - the others are!

After all, your apartment will only appreciate significantly in value if there happen to spawn some hip third-wave coffee shops next door and someone decides to host edgy neighborhood parties regularly. Your apartment and your .com domain are then valued based on the attractiveness of their surroundings (the network) and not your actions.

And while that's great for everyone owning such properties: It's bad for everybody else, particularly price!

As a compact .com domain or Manhattan apartment owner: What are your incentives to sell or develop now? After all: motivated and well-paid youngsters are moving into your area - you'd be stupid to sell given that continued private property ownership isn't costing.

Hence, that's why we see an ever increase in rent extraction in inner cities and generally in any domain that allows for monopolizing a (conceptual) geography.

It makes it all the more surprising why the freshly launched Ethereum Name System opted to re-implement private property laws - when domain squatting is such an obvious and annoying problem within the DNS.

And so here's why holding a hdmap key under Harberger tax pricing for a limited amount of time can make sense:

  • It's cheap, and possessors will optimize prices because the skewed private property pricing doesn't apply.
  • It allows continued innovation for those that are willing to pay the tax: Not those that have developed a niche skill for squatting and trolling others.
  • It's an entirely new way of dealing with property that hasn't been endgamed, so there's still a bunch of gotchas to be discovered.

Have fun!

  1. https://whoapi.com/blog/we-are-out-of-4-letter-com-domains/
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Metcalfe%27s_law&oldid=1081198390


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