
Projects, content, and documentation as Open Source.

MIT LicenseMIT

Sourcegraph Projects and Content Repository

We're trying something new with this repository, capturing current projects and blog posts as Open Source code in Markdown using embedded YAML for metadata (front matter).

Why we're doing this

Sourcegraph is committed to Open Source and developing in the open as much as is feasible. While we currently do our iteration planning in Google docs, they're private, and we can't use the tools we know and love as Developers. We want to be in a terminal or editor writing code, not a web browser writing a document.

We also want more transparency in what we're working on (projects) and what we're writing about (blogs), so we can get as much feedback as possible during the creation and review process outside of just the Sourcegraph team.

What we hope to get out of this

We build tools to help developers write better quality code, and we want those same developers to tell us what would make them more productive and successful.

We want feedback while we're working on features and creating content to ensure everything we release and publish is incredibly high quality and meets the needs of our developer audience.

For non-Sourcegraph Team members. How you can contribute

  • Watch this repository for updates to see what's happening. Share your thoughts with us here on on Twitter.
  • Create issues for features or content you want to see.
  • Create issues telling us how we can improve our project and content sharing process.

It's early days so consider this a work in progress. Thanks for joining us on our mission to help everyone write better code, to build better software and therefore, bring the future sooner.

For Sourcegraph Engineers

Check out the usage guide for how to get started.