
Print, filter, sort lines that match a semantic version (https://semver.org)

Primary LanguageRust


Print, filter, sort lines that match a semantic version (https://semver.org)

Internally uses https://crates.io/crates/semver for sorting and matching. Filter expressions syntax is described here

Print, filter, sort lines that match a semantic version (https://semver.org).

Print lines that match a semantic version to standard output. With no FILE, or when FILE is '-',
read standard input.

    semver [OPTIONS] [FILES]...

            Files to process, if '-' read standard input

    --completion <SHELL>
          Generate completion for the specified shell and exit
          [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

    -f, --filter <EXPR>
            Filter versions according to expression. Has no meaning with --invert

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -i, --invert
            Invert match, i.e. print lines that not match a semantic version

    -r, --reverse
            Sort lines in reversed order

    -s, --sort
            Sort lines

    -u, --uniq
            Removes repeated versions (implies --sort)

    -V, --version
            Print version information


Print git tags that matches a semantic version.

git tag | semver

Print the highest sematic version in current git repo.

git tag | semver --sort | tail -n1

Print lines that matches a semantic version and has major version number 1 from specified file.

semver --filter '>= 1, <2' tags.txt

Print all versions between 1.2.0 and 1.3.7 (inclusive) from specified files.

semver --filter '>= 1.2.0, <=1.3.7' tags1.txt tags2.txt