
Tools to manipulate SVG paths

Primary LanguagePython

SVG Tools

Basic tools to manipulate SVG paths...

I needed to create a TTF font, and their axes run from zero at the baseline (bottom-ish, left), whereas a standard SVG canvas starts with zero at the top left.

Scaling by (1,-1) and translating the path resolveds this issue.


It's not really ready for use yet, but here's a starter:

virtualenv -p python3.6 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Example Application

Look at ./example/fixup.py for an example application... flipping the OSHW logo on the X-axis, and realigning it.

  • logo.svg - the original, simplified logo
  • logo_font.svg - logo.svg as an SVG font, with the logo in code point a
  • logo_font.ttf - a TrueType font, with the logo upside down...
  • logo_font_fixed.svg - logo_font.svg after running fixup.py
  • logo_font_fixed.ttf - a TrueType font with, the logo the correct way up!

Use svg2ttf to re-create the fonts.