
PHP OOP Login/Register System

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PHP OOP Login/Register System

A basic object oriented authentication system including the ability to register a user, log in and includes features like validation, remember me, user profiles, CSRF protection, secure password salting and various helper classes to make working with sessions, cookies, input and configuration easier.

This example is educational only and should be treated as such. You can find the Video Tutorials in the Credit section.

Getting Started

There are 3 steps to get this example running.

  1. Upload the files to your web server
  2. Import the db.sql into you MySQL database server or run the contents in a SQL query.
  3. Adjust the database connection in the core/init.php file.

That's it! You can now navigate to address where the files are hosted and run the index.php.


The credit goes for Alex @Codecourse former PHPAcademy

Video tutorials: YouTube Playlist - OOP Login/Register System

Thank you Alex for this great Tutorial!