
mindmap software in Qt

Primary LanguageC++


  Software written in QT, aims to provide the features of Freemind(java)


  No external depencencies.

  mkdir qtmindmap
  cd qtmindmap
  git clone git://gitorious.org/qtmindmap/qtmindmap.git
  qmake qtmindmap.pro


  ./qtmindmap -h

  Usage: qtmindmap [OPTION][FILE]
  Mindmap program in QT

  -h,  --help             Prints this help.
  -t,  --tray             Starts application in system tray.
  -s,  --show-minimized   Hide main window, just show systray icon.

  Report bugs to: denes.matetelki@gmail.com


  +,-   zoom in/out of the view
  cursor keys   move view scrollbars
  ctrl + cursor keys:   move active node
  del   remove active node
  ins   add new node to active node
  f   enter/leave hint mode
  numbers, backspace, enter:  select number in hint mode
  F2  edit active node
  esc   leaving node editing, edge adding/deleting mode
  editing mode: ctrl+cursor keys  jump to beginning of next/prev word
  a   add new edge to active node (select the destination)
  d   delete edge of active node (select other end)
  c   set color of node
  t   set textcolor on node
  ctrl shoft  apply change on subtree of current node: del, move, resize, color, textcolor


  scroll  zoom in/out view
  click   select node
  drag  move node
  double click  sets node editable