
Properties for Android: persistence, db, sqlite, orm, validation, ui, binding

Primary LanguageJava


Propoid is a small library to support properties in Java:

  • small footprint
  • very simple to use: distributed as jars, no code generation, no effect on tool chain, no setup required
  • negligible runtime overhead through reflection on application startup (i.e. when classes are loaded)
  • very small memory overhead for each propoid
  • see propoid-core for caveats


Simple but powerful solution to persist your propoids in Sqlite:

Repository repository = new Repository(context, "foos");

No creation of table schema needed, just insert your objects

Foo foo = new Foo();

Typed queries

Foo foo = new Foo();
repository.query(foo, Where.equal(foo.bar, "my bar")).first();

Efficiently iterate over matched propoids (backed by a cursor)

Foo foo = new Foo();
for (Foo match : repository.query(foo, Where.equal(foo.bar, "my bar")).list(Order.ascending(foo.baz)) {

Perform mass updates

Foo foo = new Foo();
repository.query(foo).set(foo.bar, "my bar");
  • Use inheritance (single-table mapping)
  • Relations are lazily loaded (many-to-one)
  • Table schema is altered for new properties automagically.


Add validation to your objects:

Foo foo = new Foo();
new MinLengthValidator(foo.bar, R.string.bar_min_length, 4);


Bind properties to views:

Foo foo = new Foo();
new TextBinding(foo.bar, editText);
  • all changes are automatically synced between property and a view, bidirectional!
  • use one of default converters or add your own
  • handles conversion and validation errors automatically

Bind ListView to matched propoids (backed by a cursor):

listView.setAdapter(new GenericAdapter<Foo>(repository.query(new Foo()).list()) {
    protected void bind(int position, View view, Foo foo) {
        Index index = Index.get(view);
        TextBinding.string(foo.bar,	index.<TextView>get(R.id.foo_bar));


To benefit from these features your objects have to adhere to the following restrictions:

public class Foo extends Propoid {
  public final Property<String> bar = property();

  public Foo() {
  • extend propoid.core.Propoid
  • add a default constructor
  • declare all fields as public final propoid.core.Property


android, java, properties, persistence, db, database, sqlite, sql, orm, or-mapper, hibernate, active-record, binding