
Large Arabic Resources For Sentiment Analysis

Primary LanguagePython

Large Multi-Domain Resources for Arabic Sentiment Analysis

3rd Best Paper winner at the International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing CICLing2015

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Overview :

The Repository includes the following :

  • 33K Automatically annotated Reviews in Domains of Movies, Hotels, Restaurants and Products
  • Domain specific lexicons, semi automatically generated from the datasets above (2K total)
  • A total of 615 Experiments over each of the datasets experimenting :
    • Classifiers : Linear SVM, Logistic Regression, KNN, BNB, SGD training with SVM (Hinge loss and L1 penality)
    • Sandard Features : TFIDF, Term Count, Term Existence, Delta-TFIDF
    • Lexicon Based Features: domain specific and domain general
    • Combining features : Lexicon based feature vectors + Standard features
    • Classification Problems : with neutral class included or not
    • Balanced or unBalanced Datasets
  • Results of Each of the Experiments

Dataset Statistics

Datasets :


  • Dataset of Attraction Reviews scrapped from TripAdvisor.com
  • 2154 reviews


  • Dataset of Hotel Reviews scrapped from TripAdvisor.com
  • 15572 reviews


  • Dataset of Movie Reviews scrapped from elcinema.com
  • 1524 reviews


  • Dataset of product reviews scrapped from souq.com
  • 4272 reviews


  • dataset of restaurant reviews scrapped from qaym.com
  • 8364 reviews


  • dataset of restaurant reviews scrapped from tripadvisor.com
  • 2642 reviews


  • RES1.csv and RES2.csv combined
  • 10970 reviews


Domain specific lexicons, semi automatically generated from the datasets above (2K total)

size 87 734 369 218 874 1913