These are various configuration and customization files/scripts for my environments. is meant to handle the set up process.
- It symlinks the conf files to their proper locations
- it backs up previous configs to *.bak
The bin/ scripts have "atu-" prepended to them so it is easy to find them by hitting tab after typing "atu-"
atu-cpassword-decrypt.rb -Decrypts cpassword value grabbed from SYSVOL. Use to easily grab all instances of cpassword -Mounts the specified domain controller SYSVOL share and automatically greps through for all instances of cpassword -Given the name of the domain (, queries DNS for both Primary DC and normal DCs -Helper script for supplying colored output -expands nmap format ranges to list of individual IPs -Find files in current directory that are the specified size
atu-ftpDirList.rb -list files in FTP directory, also greppable format for easy parsing -Troubleshooting script to list out the gem paths that are recognized by Ruby, Gem, Gem Install Dir, $GEM_PATH, $GEM_HOME
atu-geolocateapi.rb -Given a list of wifi MACs, provides GPS coordinates for location based on google's geolocate API -Grabs the HTML title for a webpage -Generates the ntlm hash of supplied input
atu-hostmap.rb -Ghetto man's hostmap. Pulls SSL Subject Name and reverse resolves an IP to get a list of domains.
atu-hostwrangle.rb -Converts nmap xml to greppable list. Each host/port on its own line. (I hate gnmap format) -Outputs Hostname, IP Addr, Gateway, Network, DNS for local machine
atu-luhn.rb -Performs credit card LUHN check on supplied input -Mounts a remote share so you can browse it like it's local. Accepts smbclient formatted creds. -Returns your IP addr as seen from the Internet
atu-nessuswrangle.rb -same as hostwrangle but with .nessus files -Automounts open nfs shares and checks for number of readable files
atu-shareEnum.rb -Enumerates smb shares available to particular logins. Great for finding who has local admin where. -My ghetto version of metasploit's smb_version -Simple shell script to execute mimikatz on the target machine using powershell over http. Avoids touching disk, dumps creds to screen
atu-httpsd.rb -Serves current directory on port 8443 using ruby HTTPS server by default. Both path and port are configurable. (has self-signed cert)