
Attendance web app done in django

Primary LanguagePython


Pro Series - Web Framework Django/python workshop Let's Code Blacksburg! Tuesday, December 13, 2016 from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (EST) Blacksburg, VA

1. Slide:
	○ Overall Goal of this session:
		§ Demonstrate the value Django can bring inside your organization
			□ By showing how fast and easy it is to spin up a DB driven website
			□ By showing off the autogenerated admin console 
			□ Why Django might be better than a typical CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc)
				® Basically all CMS's will need a programmer to extend and customize and you are still left with a messy customization
				® Django start with a developer and get exactly what you need.
					◊ More quickly get to market window
					◊ Less of what you don't need
		§ Django major features:
			□ Amazing Documentation
			□ Python is easy language to learn and is clean (DRY, TDD, PEP08, etc)
			□ Virtualenv (via python)
			□ Auto generated Admin console
			□ ORM built in (and easy to use)
			□ TDD
2. Slide:
	○ We only have 2 hours so we will be using Codeanywhere
		§ Allows us to skip python & django installation
	○ We will rely heavily on github repo sample pre-built before the class for code snippets
3. Slide:
	○ Create codeanywhere.com account and login
	○ Create a new project (Named whatever you want) "LCBB Event Web App"
	○ Open/Create new container for newly created project
		§ Choose Django with Ubuntu 14.04
		§ Name it whatever you want "LCBB Event Web App Container"
	○ Click the "Run Project" (play) button
	○ Copy bottom link from Info tab and paste into new tab 
		§ Swap out "XX" in the url with port number "8000"
4. Slide:
	○ Describe Codeanywhere.com Editor
		§ Where to start new SSH Terminal
		§ Where to open "Info" if accidentally closed
		§ Folder structure on left side
		§ On to the console
5. Slide:
	○ SSH Terminal:
		§ %> source django/bin/activate
		§ %> cd projectname
		§ %> python manage.py startapp appname
		§ %> cd projectname
6. Slide:
	○ Discuss manage.py
	○ Discuss difference in Projects and Apps in Django
	○ Initial project already created but if you needed to create it use this command:
		§  django-admin.py startproject projectname
	○ Create Events app
		§ %> python manage.py startapp events
	○ SEE branch: release-one-projectapp-creation
7. Slide:
	○ Discuss MVC vs TMV
		§ Django is not true MVC, but it is equally as optimal
		§ If I had to compare the two:
			□ Template is view
			□ View is controller
			□ Model is model
			□ Urls.py maps the route
8. Slide:
	○ Connect events app to project
		§ Add the below line to the "INSTALLED_APPS" section of the settings.py file
			□ 'events.apps.EventsConfig'
		§ Create events/urls.py:
			from django.conf.urls import url
			from . import views
			app_name = 'events'
			urlpatterns = [
			    url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'),
			    # url(r'^(?P<event_id>[0-9]+)/$', views.detail, name='detail'),
		§ Connect projectname/urls.py to projectname/events/url.py
			from django.conf.urls import include, url
			url(r'^events/', include('events.urls')),
9. Slide:
	○ Create basic "Hello World" in views.py
		def index(request):
		  return HttpResponse('Hello World')
	○ SEE branch: release-2-projectapp-view
10. Slide:
	○ Create Models:
		§ Event(models.Model)
			□ Name
			□ Date_time
			□ Description
			□ Enabled
		§ Person
			□ Name
			□ Email
		§ Attendance
			□ Person
			□ Event
	○ See: https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-3-projectapp-models/projectname/events/models.py
11. Slide:
	○ Discuss ORM
		§ %> python manage.py makemigrations
		§ %> python manage.py migrate
		§ %> python manage.py migrate 0003 (targeted migration "roll back")
	○ Look at migrations folder
		§ Review 00001_initial.py file it created
	○ SEE branch: release-3-projectapp-models
12. Slide: 
	○ Discuss shell
		§ %> python manage.py shell
		§ >>> from events.models import Event, Person, Attendance
		§ >>> Event.objects.all() 
		§ >>> e = Event(name='event one', description='this is the description')
		§ >>> e.save() 
		§ >>> e.date_time
		§ >>> e = Event(name='event two', description='this is the description for event two')
		§ >>> e.save()
		§ >>> Event.objects.filter(name__endswith='two')  
		§ >>> quit()      <- to quit
13. Slide:
	○ Create Templates and connect to view:
		§ Discuss why duplication of app name in template folder
		§ events/templates/events/index.html
			□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-4-projectapp-templates/projectname/events/templates/events/index.html
		§ events/templates/base.html
			□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-4-projectapp-templates/projectname/events/templates/base.html
		§ Template inheritance via {% block name %} [% endblock %}
		§ Events/static/events/starter-template.css
			□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-4-projectapp-templates/projectname/events/static/events/starter-template.css
14. Slide:
	○ Connect view.py to templates:
		§ Add linked code to view.py {Just the function "def index"
			□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-4-projectapp-templates/projectname/events/views.py
	○ SEE branch: release-4-projectapp-templates
15. Slide:
	○ Discuss Forms:
	○ Create "RegisterForm(forms.Form)" 
		§ Create events/forms.py file
			□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-5-projectapp-forms/projectname/events/forms.py
16. Slide:
	○ Create form and detail.html:
	○ Events/templates/events/details.html
		□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-5-projectapp-forms/projectname/events/templates/events/detail.html
	○ Uncomment line un urls.py so details route will work
	○ Update views.py to look like this:
		□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-5-projectapp-forms/projectname/events/views.py
	○ Use the form to create one or more attendance records in db
	○ SEE branch: release-5-projectapp-forms
17. Slide:
	○ What about the autogenerated admin you talked about?
	○ First we must create a super user in the db:
		□ %> python manage.py createsuperuser
			□ Follow prompts
		□ Navigate to your app /admin:
			□ http://port-8000.lcbb-event-web-app-container-allentuggle503110.codeanyapp.com/admin
			□ Notice there is already "Groups" & "Users"
	○ Register models in admin.py that you want to show In the admin:
		□ Edit events/admin.py:
			□ https://github.com/atuggle/Codeanywhere-Django-Event-Web-App/blob/release-6-projectapp-admin/projectname/events/admin.py
		□ Refresh admin 
		□ Discuss Admin consoles
	○ SEE branch: release-6-projectapp-templates
18. Slide:
	○ Q & A
	○ What next:
	○ Resources:
		□ https://www.djangoproject.com/
			□ View both the tutorial & overview
		□ Book: "Two Scoops of django" by Daniel Greenfeld and Audrey Roy