
Lightweight HTTP server to serve an angular SPA

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Lightweight zero-configuration SPA HTTP server that do not compromise on security. Serves an Angular SPA bundle on a given http port. This is strongly inspired from https://github.com/devforth/spa-to-http . So you will not have an excuse to leave a Content-Security-Policy: style-src 'unsafe-inline'

⚠️ This is currently a first alpha release, use it as your own risks on production.


  • Zero-configuration in Docker compared to a classic http server (nginx, Apache)
  • Produced images are small (an order of magnitude compared to Nginx)
  • Cache limit are expressed in memory size footprint of assets, not number of cached data. You can reliably target a wanted memory usage with your containers.
  • Do not sacrifice security. Configure a nonce on your index.html files if they contain a magic pattern.
  • Supports file compression (go green on Lighthouse)

Hello World and Usage

Create a Dockerfile in you spa directory (near package.json):

FROM node:20.2-alpine as build


COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm ci

ADD . .
RUN ng build

FROM ghcr.io/atuleu/angular-to-http:latest

COPY --from=build /app/dist/app-name/ .

CMD [ '/app/angular-to-http', '/srv']

CSP Nonce generation

This is lilely where a very minimal configuration should be done. If a nonceable file (default '/index.html') contains the special token ng_csp_nonced, it:

  • Will become templated and ng_csp_nonced will be replaced with ngCspNonce="randomNonce"
  • When serving the file, a default CSP header will be added to the response with the Value Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'nonce-randomNonce'; script-src 'self' 'nonce-randomNonce'
  • randomNonce will be a base64 cryptographic-strong 32 bytes random number generated for each request to a nonced files.

So to enable the default CSP described here for your angular app, one would simply replace in its src/index.html its <app-root></app-root> with <app-root ng_csp_nonced></app-root>.

Cache-Control strategies

Any served files will fall into three categories regarding cache-control.

  • Nonced files, which are unique for each request, will use a no-store configuration.
  • Versionned files, i.e. containing an hexadecimal hash or a version number ( style.abcdef.css or logo.v123.png) will be served with max-age=31536000; immutable
  • Other files, will be served with max-age=0; must-revalidate by default. max-age could manually be increased. All files will be served with Last-Modified to the Modtime of the file for revalidation.


$ sudo docker run ghcr.io/atuleu/angular-to-http:latest --help
  angular-to-http [OPTIONS] [directory]

Application Options:
  -a, --address=                 address to listen to (default:
  -p, --port=                    port to listen on (default: 80)

      --compression.no-gzip      disable gzip compression
      --compression.no-deflate   disable deflate compression
      --compression.no-brotli    disable brotli compression
      --compression.threshold=   file size threshold to enable compression (default: 1k)

      --cache.max-age=           cache max age on cacheable file, i.e. files with an hash (default: 1 week)
  -N, --cache.no-store=          additional files to set Cache-Control: no-store
  -m, --cache.max-size=          maximal size of the cache in bytes (default: 50M)
      --cache.no-in-memory-root  by default all cacheable root file (non-asset files) are always cached in memory, this option
                                 disable it and put it in the LRU cache

      --csp.nonce-disable        Disable CSP Nonce generation
  -O, --csp.nonced=              list of nonced file (default: /index.html)
      --csp.policy=              CSP to use (default: default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'nonce-CSP_NONCE'; script-src 'self'

Help Options:
  -h, --help                     Show this help message

  directory:                     directory to serve (default: '.')