Online Hardware and software support system

Hardware and software support

This is a console based java project used by HOD, Employees and Engineers to work together. In case any problem arises in the system complaint is registered using this system by employee. This complaint is assigned to engineer by the HOD and engineer works on the problem and update the status of the problem.

Users of the application -

  1. HOD
  2. Employee
  3. Engineer

Functionalities -


-- Login
-- register engineer
-- can see list of all engineer
-- can delete engineer
-- can see all the raised problem
-- can assign any problem to any engineer

Employee -

-- Can register himself with his username and password
-- Login into their account
-- can register any complaint (hardware/software) through the system and complain id will be generated
-- can see status and engineer assigned to their complaint by using complain id
-- can see all the complaint list raised by him
-- can change their password

Engineer -

-- Login
-- can view problems assigned to him by the HOD
-- can update the status of the problem assigned to him
-- can see list of all the problems attended by him
-- can change his password

ER diagram
