
Compiling issues

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm fairly new to programming, I have run through almost all of your demos to help me understand how to program LEDS, and I have gotten almost all of your other demos to work. But with this demo I am having compiling errors. Any ideas how I can fix this? Sorry I'm very new to programming, but it's something that I'd like to try and I like working with LEDS cause they are fun!

Most of the demos in here should work without a problem if you have installed FastLED correctly. Some of them (and you didn't mention which one you're having problems with), such as seirlight or fht_log require 3rd party libraries to be downloaded and installed. I would recommend avoiding those until you get more experience. In the meantime, here's some general FAQ stuff:

In the case of button_demoReel100, I no longer use the JChristensen button library as I found it more complex to use and with less functionality than the jsbutton.h that's included with this sketch. I'm wondering if there's some form of overlap.

As for a Trinket, I haven't tried those out, and primarily just use Nano's and UNO's.