
This project is a simple web application deployment guide on AWS EC2 using GitHub, Node.js, and CodeDeploy. It outlines the steps to set up an EC2 instance, clone a GitHub repository, install dependencies, configure the CodeDeploy agent, and deploy an Express.js app.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This project provides a comprehensive guide to deploying a simple web application on AWS EC2 using GitHub, Node.js, and CodeDeploy. The guide includes setting up an EC2 instance, cloning a GitHub repository, installing necessary dependencies, configuring the CodeDeploy agent, and deploying an Express.js application. It also covers creating deployment scripts and setting up AWS CodeBuild for continuous integration to automate the deployment process.


  • AWS EC2
  • GitHub
  • CodeDeploy
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Continuous Integration
  • Deployment Scripts
  • Web Application

Steps for Deployment

  1. SSH into the EC2 Instance

    cd Downloads
    chmod 400 webapp.pem
    ssh -i "webapp.pem" ec2-user@ec2-184-72-68-27.compute-1.amazonaws.com
  2. Clone the GitHub Repository

    git clone https://github.com/atulkamble/webapp
    cd webapp
  3. Install Git and Configure User Details

    sudo yum install git -y
    git config --global user.name "Atul Kamble"
    git config --global user.email "atul_kamble@hotmail.com"
  4. Update EC2 Instance and Install Required Packages

    sudo yum update -y
    sudo yum install ruby -y
    sudo yum install wget -y
  5. Install CodeDeploy Agent

    cd /home/ec2-user
    sudo wget https://aws-codedeploy-us-east-2.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/latest/install
    sudo chmod +x ./install
    sudo ./install auto
    sudo service codedeploy-agent start
    sudo service codedeploy-agent status
  6. Set Up the Node.js Application

    • Initialize the Node.js project and install Express:

      npm init -y
      npm install express
    • Create the application file (app.js):

      touch app.js
      sudo nano app.js
    • Sample app.js:

      const express = require('express');
      const app = express();
      app.get('/', (req, res) => {
        res.send('Hello World from EC2!');
      const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
      app.listen(port, () => {
        console.log(`Server running on port ${port}`);
  7. Access the Application

    • Open the following in your browser (replace with the actual instance public IP):
  8. Set Up Deployment Scripts

    • Create and edit the appspec.yml file:

      sudo touch appspec.yml
      sudo nano appspec.yml
    • Create the install_dependencies.sh script:

      sudo touch install_dependencies.sh
      sudo nano install_dependencies.sh
    • Create the start_server.sh script:

      sudo touch start_server.sh
      sudo nano start_server.sh
    • Add the changes to Git and push them:

      git add .
      git commit -m "Added appspec.yml and deployment scripts"
      git push origin main
  9. Set Up CodeBuild (Optional for CI/CD)

    • Create and edit the buildspec.yml file:
      sudo touch buildspec.yml
      sudo nano buildspec.yml

This README.md outlines all the key steps for deploying the web application using AWS services and GitHub. Let me know if any updates are needed!