This package canbe used to control Pluto or PlutoX using keyboard, joystick or rostopic
Use following instructions on how to use this package:
Follow this tutorial on ROS wiki and install necesarry package to use the joystick control feature of pluto-ros-package.
# Navigate to catkin workspace
# clone repository
git clone
# Build the Package
# pluto node for communication with pluto drone
rosrun plutodrone plutonode
# To get data from drone
rosrun plutoserver
# To control drone there are three ways: Joystick, Keyboard or ROSTopic
# Using Joystick:
rosrun plutoserver plutojoystick
# Using Keyboard:
roslaunch plutoserver drone_comb.launch
# Using ROSTopic:
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1000, rcAUX1: 0, rcAUX2: 0, rcAUX3: 0, rcAUX4: 1500}" // example of arming drone
Note: To control drone use one of the way at once otherwise you will endup over writing inputs from multiple nodes.
To use Lewei Camera wifi to control drone instead of ESP wifi, edit following lines in Communication.cpp
addr.sin_port = htons(CAMERA_PORT);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(CAMERA_IP_ADDRESS);
- plutoservice in PlutoPilot : This service request data from Pluto drone. This service gives the data like accelerometer, gyro, Magneto, altitude and battery value.
- drone_command in PlutoMsg: This topic can be used to give RC input to drone
The package uses following axes and buttons index to control drone:
- 2 : To control ROLL
- 3: To control Pitch
- 0: To control Yaw
- 1: To control Throttle
- 4: To trim roll
- 5: To trim pitch
- 4: To arm or disarm drone
- 3: To take off
- 1: To land
- 5: To save trim values
Note: You can change this mapping in plutojoystick.h
The package uses following keys to control drone:
- spacebar : arm or disarm
- w : increase height
- s : decrease height
- q : take off
- e : land
- a : yaw left
- d : yaw right
- Up arrow : go forward
- Down arrow : go backward
- Left arrow : go left
- Right arrow : go right
- Ctrl-C: to quit
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1000, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1000}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1600, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1400, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1600, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1400, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1800, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1500, rcThrottle: 1200, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1800, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
rostopic pub /drone_command plutodrone/PlutoMsg "{rcRoll: 1500, rcPitch: 1500, rcYaw: 1200, rcThrottle: 1500, rcAUX1: 1500, rcAUX2: 1500, rcAUX3: 1500, rcAUX4: 1500}"
Note: RC values ranges from 1000 to 2000
Following is the procedure to control multiple drones within the same network:
Setting the drone in client mode: Connect to drone wifi and use following command to open telnet connection:
telnet // drone wifi ip
+++AT MODE 3
+++AT STA ssid password
Add IPs: Start your hotspot and your drone should connect to the hotspot. Note the IP address assigned to it. Edit following lines in PlutoSwarm.cpp. Repeat this for all new drones which are added to the network.
Send data: Follow procedure in ROSTopic Header to give commands to fly the drones. Add plutoIndex in PlutoMsg for every topic. This index is the same as the index of the IP within 'all_ips' when you add it.
Note: This feature is possible with ESP wifi of Pluto and will not work over Lewei camera wifi.
For any queries related to this package comment on repository or mail us on
This package is improved version of
Thanks to Simranjeet Singh and e-yantra team for developing original version of this package.