Course Enrollment Microservices, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, React, MySQL, Hibernate, Liquibase

The application structure is as follows.

  • microservice-user-management - Microservice implemented using Spring boot. More info
  • microservice-course-management - Microservice implemented using Spring boot. More info
  • eureka-discovery-service - Microservice implemented using Spring eureka. More info
  • zuul-gateway-service - Microservice implemented using Spring zuul. More info
  • client-side - A NodeJs application implemented using React. This consumes services hosted by server side. More info


1) Build Spring Boot microservices

$ cd microservice path
$ gradlew bootJar
$ gradlew bootRun

2) Build and run client side application

$ cd client-side
$ npm install
$ npm start

Access application using following URL
