
list of protocols with opportunities for liquidators


List of Protocols with liquidator opportunities. Inspired by https://twitter.com/tomhschmidt/status/1405322722930876420?s=20

Protocol Network Links Liquidation Mechanism Liquidator Incentive Keeper Capital Requirements Reference Keeper Implementation
MakerDAO Ethereum Github, Basic overview Detailed Liquidations overview Dutch Auction 13% Liq 2.0: None, Flashloanable ⚡ Liq 2.0 Reference Keeper
Compound Ethereum Github, Docs Fixed Discount, First Come, First Served 8% of borrower's collateral Flashloanable ⚡
Aave Ethereum, Polygon Github, Risk Docs Fixed Discount, FCFS Variable depending on the asset Flashloanable ⚡
Liquity Ethereum Liquidation overview Backstop pool of LUSD burned in liqs, keepers earn fee for triggering the txn, FCFS 200 LUSD + 0.5% None, capital risk taken by backstop pool
Alpha Homora Ethereum, BSC V2 Docs, V1 Docs Fixed Discount, FCFS 5% ?
Synthetix Ethereum Github Fixed Discount, FCFS 10%, 3 day liq delay ?
C.R.E.A.M Finance Ethereum, BSC, Polygon Docs, Github Fixed Discount, FCFS 8% Flashloanable ⚡
Dydx Ethereum, Starkware
UMA Ethereum
Reflexer Ethereum Docs, Github, Stats Fixed Discount, FCFS 12% Flashloanable ⚡ Geb Auction Keeper
Kashi Ethereum, BSC Github, Docs Fixed Discount, FCFS 12% ?
Fuse Ethereum Github, Docs Fixed Discount, FCFS Variable across pools Flashloanable ⚡ Fuse Liquidator
Anchor Ethereum Github, Liquidation Overview Fixed Discount, FCFS 13% Flashloanable ⚡
Notional Ethereum
Yield Protocol Ethereum Github, V1 Docs
Unit Protocol Ethereum, BSC
Mai Finance Polygon Liquidation Docs, Github, Stats Fixed Discount, Partial Liquidations only, FCFS 5% of borrowers collateral(can only liq half of collateral at 10% liq penalty) ?