🏗 scaffold-eth - 🔏 Web3-Sign-Message

Ask users to sign a message with their web3 wallet and recover it in a backend service

git clone https://github.com/austintgriffith/scaffold-eth.git sign-in-with-web3

cd sign-in-with-web3

git checkout sign-in-with-web3
yarn install
yarn start

start the backend service that listens for and verifies signatures:

yarn backend

📝 Edit your frontend App.jsx in packages/react-app/src

📱 Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app

Connect a web3 wallet:


Sign a message to prove you own the address:



A backend server verifies sigatures:


The frontend can then react to the correct signature:


💬 Support Chat

Join the telegram support chat 💬 to ask questions and find others building with 🏗 scaffold-eth!

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