Effective Kubernetes for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile Developers
This repository shows several key trade-offs to consider while using Kubernetes with Java EE, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications. The repository hosts the demos for this talk or this lab. A video for the talk is available on YouTube.
The basic Jakarta EE application used throughout is in the jakartaee folder.
Factors demostrated include:
- How to make application server administration, clustering, auto-scaling, auto-discovery and load-balancing work with Kubernetes deployments. The clustering folder shows how this is done.
- How to take advantage of the self-healing and monitoring capabilities of Kubernetes such as liveness/readiness probes and Prometheus/Grafana. The monitoring folder shows how this is done.
- How to use Kubernetes Operators to more effectively manage application server clusters. The operators folder shows how this is done.
- How your CI/CD pipeline looks like with Jakarta EE and Kubernetes. The devops folder shows how this is done.
The demos use Jakarta EE 8, WebSphere Liberty, PostgreSQL, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure DevOps Pipelines.
To Do
- Upgrade Liberty Operator scripts
- Use Prometheus Operator?
- Use Grafana Operator?