Will post a passage randomly from Jakob Lorber Books and links to related jakob-lorber.cc resource. It currently connects to Discord and to Twitter.
- Create bot inside your Discord Applications area (https://discord.com/developers/applications/)
- Replace client ID in invite link and access from browser to invite bot into server (https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE&scope=bot)
- Upload files to base directory and also run the following commands
- run
npm install
- run
npm install forever -g
Rename config.example.json
to config.json
and replace the token key with generated Discord bot access token.
You must use your own application + access key. See: https://discord.com/developers/applications/ to generate token.
Inside your project directory run forever start server.js
Inside your project directory run forever stop server.js
command | Description |
!start |
starts server inside channel. |
!start INT |
starts server inside channel with interval param set. |
!stop |
stops server everywhere |
!restart |
stops and then restarts server in current channel |
!set interval INT |
overwrites default posting interval in secods |
The Household of God
The Fly
The Moon
The Natural Sun|Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions
The Spiritual Sun
The Childhood of Jesus|Biographical Gospel of the Lord
Explanation of Scriptures
Paul's Letter to Laodicea
Correspondence with Jesus|Correspondence between Abgarus and Jesus
The Earth
Beyond the Threshold
Bishop Martin
From Hell to Heaven
The Healing Power of Sunlight
Three Days in the Temple
The Great Gospel of John
This bot server can only serve one Discord Network + #channel combination at a time.