HTML Album Cover

This challenge asks that you recreate the album cover shown in the MOCKUP.jpg image by writing the appropriate HTML neccesary into the index.html page. Use to copy and paste in all filler text needed.


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone your fork locally.
  3. cd in the local repo you just cloned.
  4. Check out the MOCKUP.jpg image and take a look at it.
  5. Use the comments in the index.html file to create the elements neccesary to recreate the album cover shown in MOCKUP.jpg. Also use to copy and paste all neccesary filler text.
  6. Open up index.html in the browser as well for a side by side comparison with MOCKUP.jpg as you work.
  7. (HINT: If you'd like to take a look at your handiwork, you can preview this in your browser by right-clicking the file in the file tree, and selecting "Open in Browser" .)

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