
Group project that I created as part of a team for my edX Front End Web Dev Course.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Project Description

Create a Daily Assistant Application to aid user with recording and planning tasks.

User Story

Want: an interactive application which provides me with tools and information to use daily

Why: To aid me with planning my days and make me more productive

The Acceptance Criteria

  • Provides user an interactive ‘to do’ list which saves to local storage remains after browser close
  • Provides weather for that day including Icon using server API. (requires to be different to API used in previous challenges)
  • Provides at least one of the following additional features:
  • Random Word including definition utilising Dictionary server API
  • Useless fact utilising a server API.
  • Provide News of the day using a server API.

The following image shows the web application's appearance and functionality:

Screenshot 1 - To Do list which saves to local storage, A News and Weather Application which displays weather according to your location.

Screenshot 2 - A word of the day application which relies on two API, one to produce a random word and another to provide definition. A useless fact generator which uses another API.


Website: https://bena251.github.io/Bootcamp-Group-Project/
Website Repository: https://github.com/BenA251/Bootcamp-Group-Project/


Challenge/Project Material was provided by course.

Server APIs Source:

Weather API: https://developer.accuweather.com/

Random Word API: https://api-ninjas.com/api/randomword

Dictionary API: https://dictionaryapi.dev/

Useless Fact API: https://uselessfacts.jsph.pl/

News API: https://www.thenewsapi.com/


MIT license

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