use dart ffi link lua dynamic lib
there is no dynamic link library file containing lua here
need users to download
version 5.4
is currently supported here
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:dart_lua_ffi/dart_lua_ffi.dart';
import 'package:dart_lua_ffi/generated_bindings.dart';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
const dartPrintPrefix = "dartLog: ";
final NULLP = Pointer.fromAddress(0);
void main() {
final luaFFI = createLua("assets/lua54.dll");
final lp = luaFFI.luaL_newstate();
luaFFI.luaL_loadfilex(lp, "assets/hw.lua".toNativeUtf8().cast<Char>(), NULLP.cast());
luaFFI.lua_pushnumber(lp, 1.2);
luaFFI.lua_setglobal(lp, "dartvar".toNativeUtf8().cast());
luaFFI.lua_pcallk(lp, 0, -1, 0, LUA_MULTRET, NULLP.cast());
luaFFI.lua_settop(lp, 0);
luaFFI.lua_getglobal(lp, "helloworldCall".toNativeUtf8().cast());
luaFFI.lua_pcallk(lp, 0, 1, 0, LUA_MULTRET, NULLP.cast());
final runFunctionResult = luaFFI.lua_tonumberx(lp, 0, NULLP.cast());
print("$dartPrintPrefix run function return result value ${runFunctionResult}");
// LuaPrintPrefix definition in [assets/hw.lua] file
luaFFI.luaL_loadstring(lp, "print(LuaPrintPrefix..\"from dart print \")".toNativeUtf8().cast());
luaFFI.lua_pcallk(lp, 0, -1, 0, LUA_MULTRET, NULLP.cast());
final fromStringLoadCodeResult = luaFFI.luaL_loadstring(lp, "print(\"my from dart code load print \")".toNativeUtf8().cast());
print("$dartPrintPrefix load error return number value : ${fromStringLoadCodeResult}");
Check the example folder in the warehouse and place the required Lua dynamic link file in the assets folder to run the example