An existing e-commerce platform that has been "cleaned," aka refactored to use Redux.
AS a senior engineer working on an e-commerce platform
I WANT my platform to use Redux to manage global state instead of the Context API
SO THAT my website's state management is taken out of the React ecosystem
GIVEN an e-commerce platform that uses Redux to manage global state
WHEN I review the app’s store
THEN I find that the app uses a Redux store instead of the Context API
WHEN I review the way the React front end accesses the store
THEN I find that the app uses a Redux provider
WHEN I review the way the app determines changes to its global state
THEN I find that the app passes reducers to a Redux store instead of using the Context API
WHEN I review the way the app extracts state data from the store
THEN I find that the app uses Redux instead of the Context API
WHEN I review the way the app dispatches actions
THEN I find that the app uses Redux instead of the Context API
- Deployed:
- Code: