
Bulk translate and replace all existing media in content, featured image and meta fields when you enable translations in media with Polylang.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Polylang Add-on: Translate existing media

Contributors: Teemu Suoranta

Tags: polylang, media, attachments, translations

License: GPLv2 or later

screen shot 2017-01-23 at 17 02 03


Polylang Translate existing media is an add-on for the multilingual WordPress plugin Polylang. This add-on let's you bulk translate and replace all existing media in content, featured image and meta fields you enable translations in media. This plugin is based on my other Polylang plugin polylang-copy-content.

When to use:

  • When turning existing site to multi-lingual
  • When enabling media translations when you already have media uploaded and added to content

Basic feature list:

  • Translate all media (images and galleries) that are inside content, meta fields and featured image
  • Takes care all post types (that are not 'attachment', 'revision', 'acf-field', 'acf-field-group', 'nav_menu_item', 'polylang_mo')
  • Image translations are linked automatically
  • You can add your own custom fields that have image IDs
  • Uses Polylang's functions, no messing around

This is open source and I cannot give you any guarantees, though it has worked for me in many projects. Please, report issues and contribute!


How-to use (takes around 5 minutes):

  • Take a backup of your database
  • Download plugin and activate (you will need Polylang active)
  • Enable Media translations in Polylang Settings
  • Set all content without language to default language from "Languages" admin page
  • Click "1. Translate the whole media library" from the admin notice
  • Click through steps (50 posts at a time). Each step will take some time.
  • Click "2. Translate existing images in content" from the admin notice
  • Click through steps (50 posts at a time). Each step will take some time.
  • Deactivate and delete plugin when you have gone through all the steps


$ composer aucor/polylang-translate-existing-media

With composer.json:

  "require": {
    "aucor/polylang-translate-existing-media": "*"
  "extra": {
    "installer-paths": {
      "htdocs/wp-content/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"]


Add your own custom fields that have images saved as IDs:

function prefix_custom_fields_to_translate($custom_fields) {
	// return keys of your custom fields with image id
  return array(
add_filter( 'polylang-translate-existing-media-custom-fields-with-image-id', 'prefix_custom_fields_to_translate' );

Issues and feature whishlist


(No known issues, yet)


  • Include terms and their custom fields
  • Replacing count might be off, make it more informative



  • PHP 7.2. compatibility


  • New Feature: Translate whole media library
  • New Feature: API for custom_fields that save the image as ID
  • New Feature: Add filter to excluded post types polylang-translate-existing-media-skip-post-types
  • Improvement: Include all post_status
  • Bugfix: Don't copy featured image, just translate the existing one