
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Roxy Proxy

Roxy Proxy is an HTTP (not HTTPS) proxy server that uses a Twisted HTTP proxy to route and store users' HTTP requests. A Django application directs users to the proxy server and provides a mechanism for retrieving content gathered from the proxy server and catalog & index it in a local Postgres database and Solr index server. Once cataloged and indexed, content from Roxy can be analyzed as desired.

Roxy associated gathered content with a user login, so the first time a user attempts to use Roxy, the system will prompt them for a login. This login is associated with a session, which is associated with teh captured content. Users can elect to choose a regular session, where all content is stored and cataloged, or a private session where the proxy server works as intended, but the system does not record the user's request activity.

Roxy is the creation of Ericka Menchen-Trevino and was developed by Chris Karr. It is provided under a GPLv3 open-source license.

Starting Roxy

If you set up Roxy using the instructions below, the following servers must be running:

  1. Django: This is typically started when Apache starts up.

  2. Solr: From the solr/example folder, start Solr with the command

    nohup java -jar start.jar &

  3. Twisted: This provides the proxy server. From the proxy folder in the repository, run

    twistd -y roxy.tac

Feel free to add these commands in any local system startup scripts.


Note that this setup assumes some familiarity with Django, Postgres, Solr, and Twisted. If you're not comfortable with these packages, please learn how these software packages work before attempting to install Roxy.


  1. Install Apache, WSGI, Postgres, and Python's virtual-env.

  2. Check out Roxy-Proxy repository.

  3. Set up a virtualenv environment. Next to the proxy and roxy files works well.

  4. Install Python requirements:

    pip install -r roxy/roxy_master/requirements.pip

    Note that you may need to install some other system prerequisites (such as Postgres development headers) in order to complete this step successfully. This will vary by platform and each platform's installation defaults.

  5. Set up Postgres database:

    postgres=# CREATE USER roxy WITH PASSWORD 'roxyproxy';
    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE roxyproxy;
    postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE roxyproxy TO roxy;
  6. Create & populate the Django database:

    cd roxy
    ./manage.py syncdb 
    ./manage.py migrate 
    ./manage.py collectstatic
  7. Update the local Apache WSGI configuration to point to Django install & virtual environment. Relevant lines:

    (/etc/apache/mods-enabled/wsgi.conf on Ubuntu)

    WSGIPythonPath /var/www/Roxy-Proxy/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/var/www/Roxy-Proxy/roxy

    (/etc/apache/sites-enabled/000-default on Ubuntu)

    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/Roxy-Proxy/roxy/roxy_master/wsgi.py
    Alias /static /var/www/Roxy-Proxy/roxy/static
    Alias /media /var/www/Roxy-Proxy/roxy/media

    Start Apache and login to http://my_hostname/admin/ using the account set up on initial Django setup.

  8. Update default Django site from pointing to example.com to point to server's hostname.

  9. From the Django admin, add an Auth > Group object called Users. Add User Profiles > Group Profile and set the proxy duration.

  10. Setup Twisted proxy server. Set the proxy port number in proxy/roxy.tac:

    roxy_proxy = internet.TCPServer(8080, roxy_factory)

    Set the pointer to the Django instance in roxy/roxy.py:

    PROXY_MASTER = 'my_hostname'
  11. Test proxy setup: twistd -ny roxy.tac If the server starts successfully, kill it with Ctrl-C and restart it in daemon mode: twistd -y roxy.tac

  12. In Django, add Proxy > Proxy Server object pointing to the Twisted proxy server. Make sure that the port and IP address is consistent with the Twisted settings above.

  13. In the Django settings, add the host's IP address to roxy_master/settings.py:

    INTERNAL_IPS = ('', 'my_ip_address',)

    Restart Apache after making these changes.

  14. Set up a local browser to use the Proxy server by following the instructions at http://my_hostname/setup.

  15. Test Django-Twisted connection by visiting http://my_host/proxy/proxy_test.

    Note that if your server is on a private IP block (192.168., 10., etc.) or if your server has separate public and private IP addresses (Amazon EC2), this test will fail. Check the twisted.log file in theses cases to verify that the browser is using the Twistd proxy server.

  16. Verify that content/management/commands/fetch_content.py points to the right place to copy content to catalog. Check that the local paths match in content/management/commands/catalog_content.py, as well.

  17. Set up Solr with Django Haystack 2.1.0:


    A fixed schema.xml (for Solr 4.5 & 4.6) can be found in roxy/roxy_master/schema.xml. Copy this file to solr/example/solr/collection1/conf/.

    When you're finished, in the solr/example folder, run nohup java start.jar & to initialize the Solr server. Log output will be sent to nohup.out.

  18. Once Solr & Haystack are up and running, add roxy/update.sh to the local crontab. Verify that the paths referenced in that script match your configuration.