
Project proposals from each student

MIT LicenseMIT

EP476: Introduction to Scientific Computing for Engineering Physics

Spring 2018

Due: Tuesday, Feb 13, 1:00 PM

Project Proposals

Each student will submit a project proposal, from which we will select 2 or 3 group projects for as the basis for collaborative development over the semester.

Proposal Guidelines

Each proposal should describe:

  1. a physics-based problem that can be solved computationally.

  2. why you selected that problem.

  3. the fidelity of solution that is desired for the scope of this project.

  4. the strengths you will contribute to a team, particularly those you think are rare or unique

  5. the pre-requisite knowledge for your team mates to be able to contribute to this problem

  6. the criteria you would use to select other for your team, partiularly those you think will complement your own to round out your team

The proposal should be written in Github markdown in full sentences/paragraphs.

Submission Process

This submission process will rely on git and github as a way to test some of your skills.

  1. By visiting this repository you have claimed your fork of this repo

  2. Clone the repo to your local filespace (at CAE or elsewhere)

  3. Make a branch to start your proposal named proposal

  4. create a new file and answer the first question above

  5. add and commit that file

  6. modify that file with an additional add, edit, commit cycle for each of questions 2 and 3

  7. push your proposal branch to your github repository

  8. create a pull request to request that proposal is merged into master

  9. create a branch from the proposal branch named team

  10. create a new file and answer question 4 above

  11. add and commit that file

  12. modify that file with an additional add, edit, commit cycle for each of questions 5 and 6

  13. when complete, merge the team branch into the proposal branch

  14. push this modified proposal branch to your repository

  15. request a review from me in the pull request to complete the submission