
Compositional pattern-producing networks based abstract art generator

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Compositional pattern-producing networks based abstract art generator

Based on "Compositional Pattern Producing Networks: A Novel Abstraction of Development", Kenneth O.Stanley

Example image

Example animation

Animated example!


-python3 -tensorflow -keras -opencv -numpy -pyQt5


Launch the GUI using:

python3 main.py

Image settings

Click image settings to set the preview window resolution & final render resolution

Random SEED

Click RND to generate a new random seed, you can enter your own seed in the rightmost window

Coordinates settings

CCPN works by using a neural network to define a function F(X,Y,Z,A) = Pixel Value with

  • X function mapped to the x-coordinate in the image
  • Y function mapped to the y-coordinate in the image
  • Z a distance function of the x/y coordinates (by default the distance from the center sqrt(x^2+y^2)
  • A an extra parameter to animate through the latent space

You can use the 3 first windows to define three functions depending respectively of

  • x
  • y
  • x, y Entering "x ** 2" and "y ** 2" will for example yield a symmetrical image through F(x** 2, y** 2, Z, A)

You can enter a fixed value of A or generate a sequence of images exploring different values of A by clicking the ANIM button.


Sets the variance of the neural network initialisation, higher values will usually generate more complex and unlinear results

Network architecture definition

A list describing the neural network achitecture. You can add layers by clicking the "Add Layer button" and remove the last layer by double clicking it. You can also modify the activation function and number of units in each dense layer.

Render & preview

The preview button renders the image at a low resolution (64x64 by default), allowing a quick settings of the coordinates and achitecture. The full resolution image can then be rendered and exported using the corresponding buttons.

related gits: https://github.com/hardmaru/cppn-tensorflow
