
Hacky linux memory probe. Yara or Regex scan process memory

Primary LanguageGo


Hacky linux memory probe with a grep-like interface for on-the-fly searching.

Open in Dev Containers

ito -p 123 -r '.{20}[D|d]roid.{20}'

123	0x000002645f60	State)({username:"droid",password:""}),t=b(d.
123	0x000002645f60	x)(Xl.Input,{label:"Droid",name:"password", "

Or use baked-in yara rules to search for multiple things at once.

ito -p 123 -Y

0x00000023dc3a  123  "sql://root:5nqsXpzkK4XNt@\""        username_and_password_in_uri
0x00000027d5ea  123  "http://jean:VUQUlYblluSn@git.domain.com/jean/api.git"     username_and_password_in_uri


Rules in the rules directory are embedded in the resulting binary. Use the -Y flag to run them against a PID.

Project uses https://github.com/hillu/go-yara go bindings which means CGO. Deps:

  • automake
  • libtool
  • make
  • gcc
  • pkg-config
make deps
make ito
