DV360 Proxy for Google Compute Cloud

Table of Contents

This solution acts as a proxy to access DV360 reports without giving direct access to DV360 API. It solves three tasks:

  • Whitelists advertisers allowed to access
  • Blacklist metrics not allowed to access
  • Log of requests made

Except of this is acts as a proxy, with no modification of requests and responses.

API Reference

Solution exposes Cloud function, that needs to be invoked directly using secure HTTP call. There is built-in possibility to allow only certain Google Account to call the Cloud function.

The Function receives request, validates is against allowed Advertisers and Metrics and invokes corresponding DV360 API. The proxy uses v2 DBM API and exposes query-related methods.

Request object structure is the following:

  "operation": apiOperation,
  "arguments": operationArguments

apiOperation is one of:

  • getQueries_v2
  • getQuery_v2
  • createQuery_v2
  • runQuery_v2
  • deleteQuery_v2
  • getQueryReport_v2
  • getQueryReports_v2

operationArguments are different for different operations

Operation Arguments
getQueries_v2 { pageToken }
getQuery_v2 { queryId }
createQuery_v2 { query } format defined at https://developers.google.com/bid-manager/reference/rest/v2/queries#Query
runQuery_v2 { queryId, data } format defined at https://developers.google.com/bid-manager/reference/rest/v2/queries/run#RunQueryRequest
deleteQuery_v2 { queryId }
getQueryReport_v2 { queryId, reportId }
getQueryReports_v2 { queryId, pageToken }


  "operation": "createQuery",
  "arguments": {
    "query": {
      "metadata": {
        "title": "Test",
        "dataRange": {
          "range": "CURRENT_DAY"
        "format": "CSV"
      "params": {
        "type": "STANDARD",
        "groupBys": [
        "filters": [{
          "type": "FILTER_ADVERTISER",
          "value": "1"
        "metrics": [
      "schedule": {
        "frequency": "ONE_TIME"


The Function needs to be configured to allow only whitelisted partner and advertisers to be queried and blacklisted fields. Such configuration is done using JSON format that has format below

  "partners": [
      "id": "1234",
      "advertisers": [
          "id": "456",
          "blacklistMetrics": [
          "id": "789"
      "id": "2345",
      "advertisers": [
          "id": "987",
          "blacklistMetrics": [

It can be human-read as following:

  • Advertiser 456 belonging to partner ID 1234 can be queried, except Cost and Fee data
  • Advertiser 789 belonging to partner ID 1234 can be queried without limits
  • Advertiser 987 belonging to partner ID 2345 can be queried, except Cost, Fee and Video metrics (e.g. METRIC_RICH_MEDIA_VIDEO_COMPLETIONS)


  • Metrics validated against blacklist using indeOf() One query may request multiple partners, advertisers. If any of the checks got failed - entire request will be refused.

In order to help with JSON file creation, you can find configurator.html in the repo that provides UI for file generation. You need to make configuration and download env.yaml file and put this into dv360proxy folder.

Create a new project

This configuration needs to be passed to the Function using DV360_PROXY_CONFIG env variable passed through env.yaml file.


Entire deployment happens from CLI, so you need to make sure gcloud SDK is installed.

Then you need to set dv360proxy as your working directory and all commands from it.

Step 1 - init new application

You need to create new Google Cloud Application by running

gcloud init

You may be prompted to log in and give SDK necessary permissions - please do this.

Then, you need to choose "Create a new project"

Create a new project

You will be prompted for project ID, please follow {agency}-ar-dv360-connector template, for instance mybestagency-ar-dv360-connector.

Step 2 - enable required services

gcloud services enable displayvideo.googleapis.com doubleclickbidmanager.googleapis.com  cloudfunctions.googleapis.com cloudbuild.googleapis.com

Step 3 - link the project to a billing account

Open Google Cloud Console and Navigate to Billing section of newly created project and link with existing billing account. There will be only Cloud Function workload, so we talk about sub-$1 / month.

Navigate to Billing Link to Billing account

Step 4 - deploy function

Make sure you have created configuration file env.yaml and copied to the current folder

Don't allow anonymous invocation when prompted!

gcloud functions deploy dv360request --runtime nodejs18 --trigger-http --env-vars-file env.yaml

Step 5 - allow AudienceProject to call the function

gcloud functions add-iam-policy-binding dv360request  --member=serviceAccount:invoker@audienceproject-dv360-proxy.iam.gserviceaccount.com --role=roles/cloudfunctions.invoker

Step 6 - give project access to DV360 partner/advertiser

In Google Cloud Console you need to navigate to the Credentials screen and copy email of created Service Account. Then add this email to DV360 and give Readonly permission to required Advertisers.

Navigate to Credentials Copy Service Account email Invite Service Account to DV360

Step 7 - test if everything works

There is special operation that can test API connection and Partner/Advertiser configuration - ping.

Just call the function with {"operation": "ping"} payload and it will diagnose the setup.

gcloud functions call dv360request --data '{"operation": "ping"}'


Valid configuration:

    "ok": true,
    "canAccessDV360Api": true,
    "canAccessDBMApi": true,
    "errors": [],
    "availableAdvertisers": [{
        "advertiserId": "1234566",
        "advertiserName": "Some advertiser",
        "blacklistMetrics": ["_FEE_", "_COST_"],
        "partnerId": "12345"
    "unavailableAdvertisers": []

Inaccessible advertiser configured:

    "ok": false,
    "canAccessDV360Api": true,
    "canAccessDBMApi": true,
    "errors": ["GET /advertisers/666 responded with 403"],
    "availableAdvertisers": [{
        "advertiserId": "1234566",
        "advertiserName": "Some advertiser",
        "blacklistMetrics": ["_FEE_", "_COST_"],
        "partnerId": "12345"
    "unavailableAdvertisers": [{
        "advertiserId": "666",
        "partnerId": "12345"

Access not configured

    "ok": false,
    "canAccessDV360Api": false,
    "canAccessDBMApi": false,
    "errors": ["GET /advertisers/3482931 responded with 403", "Unable to connect to DBM API"],
    "availableAdvertisers": [],
    "unavailableAdvertisers": [{
        "advertiserId": "3482931",
        "partnerId": "2828536"


If you need to update code base or configuration, you just need to re-deploy the function using the same command as in Step 5.

API Limits

There is not built-it throttling or rate-limits in the proxy. These limits can be managed in Google Developer Console.

DV360Proxy has embed retry policies on retryable API errors with exponential backoff.

Configure quotas