
A Javascript library for rendering Markdown files in the Gemini .gmi format

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Javascript library for rendering Markdown files in the Gemini .gmi format


Gemini is a recent text-based internet protocol that aims to be more robust than Gopher but more lightweight than the web, and doesn't seek to replace either. You need a special Gemini client to connect to "Gemini capsules" in "Gemspace" (such as gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/).

Gemini capsules are authored using "Gemtext", which you can read the description of. For a list of many Gemini related projects and sites, see Awesome Gemini.

According to Wikipedia, Markdown is "a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor". Markdown is commonly used in Static Site Generators to store the source code for pages such as blog posts without making the author write full HTML markup.

Gemdown, then, is a library that takes Markdown input and outputs Gemtext. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a static site generator in order to create a Gemini mirror of an HTTP website (HTTP/Gemini mirrors of the same content is common amongst the Gemini community).


The gemdown package is available on NPM and can be installed with npm install gemdown or yarn add gemdown.

ECMAScript modules

The gemdown package uses ECMAScript modules, so it must be used with import statements.


For now, this package exposes a single function called md2gemini. It takes a string containing raw Markdown text and returns a string which contains raw gemtext.

This package uses Semantic Versioning and is currently pre 1.0.0 release, so the API may change drastically at any point.

From example.js:

import { md2gemini } from 'gemdown';

const markdown = `This is some [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)! Links are extracted to the end of the paragraph.

Here's a second paragraph! Things like **bold** and _italic_ are ignored unless options are set.`;

const gemtext = md2gemini(markdown);


The library currently supports the following options:

Option name Type Default value Description
renderBoldItalic boolean false If true, text that has Markdown **bold** or _italic_ indicators will render that way in the output. Note that this doesn't necessarily preserve all of the idiosyncratic ways of specifying these styles (eg: __bold__).
useWikiLinks boolean false If true, Mediawiki/Wikipedia style links are converted to Markdown links and used to create Gemini link footers
wikiLinksPrefix string '' Only works with useWikiLinks. String to prefix the output of wikiLinks with. If set to, eg 'foo/', [[bar]] ouputs a link of 'foo/bar'. Can be used with wikiLinksSuffix.
wikiLinksSuffix string '' Only works with useWikiLinks. String to append to the output of wikiLinks. If set to, eg '.html', [[bar]] ouputs a link of 'bar.html'. Can be used with wikiLinksPrefix.

These can be passed as a simple object as the second argument to md2gemini. They can also be omitted completely.



yarn install

Running the tests

From the main project directory, run:

npm test

Adding a new golden test

Add a markdown file in testdata/markdown and the expected Gemini output in testdata/gemini. The should have the same file "slug", aka name without extension.

In golden.spec.js, add this slug to the following line:

const SLUGS = ["sample", "html_blocks"];

Diffing goldens

If a golden test fails, the console output usually isn't very helpful. For that reason, the golden tests also write the rendered output from md2gemini to the path testdata/output, with the file slug and a .gmi extension. When a test fails, you can run:

diff testdata/gemini/sample.gmi testdata/output/sample.gmi

Replace sample.gmi with the name of the test that failed.