
This is a clone of the website for the popular photo app Instagram.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


12 October 2019

By Audrey Njiraini

Overall Project Description

This is a clone of the website for the popular photo app Instagram.

User stories

  1. A user must sign in to the application to start using.
  2. A user can upload their pictures to the application.
  3. A user can see their profile with all their pictures.
  4. A user can follow other users and see their pictures on their own timeline.
  5. A user can like a picture and leave a comment on it.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Python version 3.6
  • pip
  • Django version 1.11.23
  • Django-bootstrap3
  • Heroku
  • Gunicorn
  • Internet connection

Installation Process

  1. Navigate to https://github.com/audreynjiraini/Instagram-Clone .
  2. Clone the project.
  3. ``` git clone https://github.com/audreynjiraini/Instagram-Clone.git ```
  4. On your machine, open the project folder in your terminal.
  5. Create a virtual environment
  6. ```python3.6 -m venv virtual```
  7. Activate the virtual environment
  8. ```source virtual/bin/activate```
  9. Install the requirements
  10. ```pip install -r requirements.txt```
  11. In project/settings.py file, ensure that DEBUG = True.
  12. Run the server
  13. `python3 manage.py runserver`

Known Bugs

No known bugs.

Contact Information

If you need clarification on any aspect, feel free to reach me via email at audreynjiraini@gmail.com


MIT License MIT Copyright (c) 2019 Audrey Njiraini