
This is a web application that allows you to post your favorite lyrical quotes and at the same time allows you to like and dislike lyrical quotes

Primary LanguageHTML


version one.

By Janice Mukenyi Muia


Welcome to Lyrical quotes where you post your favourite quotes and get a chance to like and dislike othe lyrical quotes.


BDD(Behavior Driven Development) focuses on users being able to post their quotes,like and dislike their quotes and still be able to delete their lyrical quote

This requires users do the following:

  • Input the quote of their choice
  • Input their desired name / alias
  • Click submit
  • Users should be able to view their quote
  • Users can like or dislike their quotes and other quotes posted on the webpage
  • Users can also delete their quotes.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Open your terminal (ctrl+alt+T).
  • Initialize git on your terminal.
  • git clone https://github.com/Janice-M/quotes1.git.
  • open the 'quote1' folder.
  • Open the file named index.html on your preferred internet browser.
  • Enter your lyrical quote and alias of choice into the input boxes.
  • Click Submit.
  • Wait for the response from the web application to show your quote has been successfully posted.
  • You can like or dislike quotes on the Webpage
  • One may also delete their quote if they wish to

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript.
  • Bootstrap 4.3.1..
  • jQuery
  • Angular 8

Support and contact details

      In case of any issues please do contact janiceink001@gmail.com


Copyright (c) 2019 Janice-M