Pinned Repositories
Asp.Net Core Ultimate Guide course | Web University by Harsha
In this assignment I created a Blazor-server web page to manage data and view statistics about people
In this assignment I expanded on assignment 1, so that instead of retrieving data from my own service, I retrieved data from a provided cloud storage, using REST requests.
In this assignment I expanded on assignment 1/2 so that instead of retrieving data from a provided Web Service, I retrieved data from my own (local) Web Service, using REST requests.
In this assignment I expanded on assignment 1/2/3, so that my Web Service would retrieve data from a database instead of a file.
This is an Employee Management System that was developed to enhance a company’s efficiency in the field of communication. The focus was directed towards creating a way for employees to communicate with each other digitally and assist coherent workflow.
My very first semester project, where together with a group we created an exam scheduling system, where the secretary of our University could schedule our exams and post them to our webpage. Even though our system wasn't that great, we learned a lot on how to document the system and how to tackle various problems while programming
A Game Rental System which was developed to assist people who are interested in renting physical copies of games. The focus was directed towards creating a way for users to either post games available for renting or rent already existing items.
Android application for mapping out the plants in your house.
audrius145's Repositories
This is an Employee Management System that was developed to enhance a company’s efficiency in the field of communication. The focus was directed towards creating a way for employees to communicate with each other digitally and assist coherent workflow.
Android application for mapping out the plants in your house.
Asp.Net Core Ultimate Guide course | Web University by Harsha
In this assignment I created a Blazor-server web page to manage data and view statistics about people
In this assignment I expanded on assignment 1, so that instead of retrieving data from my own service, I retrieved data from a provided cloud storage, using REST requests.
In this assignment I expanded on assignment 1/2 so that instead of retrieving data from a provided Web Service, I retrieved data from my own (local) Web Service, using REST requests.
In this assignment I expanded on assignment 1/2/3, so that my Web Service would retrieve data from a database instead of a file.
My very first semester project, where together with a group we created an exam scheduling system, where the secretary of our University could schedule our exams and post them to our webpage. Even though our system wasn't that great, we learned a lot on how to document the system and how to tackle various problems while programming
A Game Rental System which was developed to assist people who are interested in renting physical copies of games. The focus was directed towards creating a way for users to either post games available for renting or rent already existing items.