This repo exposes posts through the PostLoader class, which loads all posts and their includes in a directory. Post data can be formatted in Typescript (and will be dynamically imported, which may not work in all settings) or YAML. Note that posts need to match the types in PostFileData, and the getPost method returns a Post or SerializedPost object, which has additional data inferred; for example:

  • SRT files are turned into lists of objects with who is speaking and the time they started
  • Outline files are turned into lists of objects with the time the started and the title
  • The MP3 url and the post url are inferred

In addition, a list of tags are computed for the posts and posts can be searched by tag.

A convenient way to get an initialized PostLoader is to use the createPostLoader function that is the default export.



$ npm install @sta-podcast/post-loader

For Local Development

Clone this repo then run

npm ci # clean install
npm run prepare # setup Git Hooks