Testing out CSS-modules, CSS code-splitting & Dart-Sass' new module system

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Pure pug files imported as js h/react.createElement trees into component's render function

  1. Read contents of pug file and put into a js wrapper consisting of an exported tagged pug template template literal with all of the pug content

  2. Run through babel-plugin-transform-react-pug & output a h/react.createElement tree ready to be exported

  3. Filename (e.g. "template.pug") which can be imported as "import Template from 'template.pug'" then "render(Template.call(this))"



[x] Implement compiler which transforms


  • In order for includes to work, the pug source code must be parsed and so that pug.link can run through the source ast. React-pug only accepts pug source code which means that the ast needs to be transformed back into pug code. This is done through the package "pug-source-gen": "0.0.2" which isn't actively maintained and which does not always play well with react-pug.

    • Object spread for element attributes doesn't work

    • source-gen always outputs unescaped values regardless of the ast. React pug doesn't account for escaping thus some regexes need to be employed to fix this. E.g. !{var} => #{var} or int!=1 => int=1

    • React-pug still has many missing features, most notably

      • div&attributes(obj) spread/explosions


[x] implement dart-sass compile-script which also runs code through postcss with minification and postcss-modules plugins.

[x] targets all files by defualt unless it's an import which is specified by an underscore _patial.sass. Output files should be same path except base folder and ext

# in
src/sub-dir/file.sass => 
# out
dist/sub-dir/file.css.map (sourcemap — not in prod)
dist/sub-dir/file.sass.json (css-modules mappings)

[x] JS-component files should use css-module imports which should look like a faux sass import.

`import "./styles.sass" => import "./styles.sass.js"`

[x] the css-module imports (./module-name.sass.js) which is a js export of classname mappings from a css-module transpilation should be a transformed from a side-effects-only import to an object with a unique id.

`import "./styles.sass.js" => import styles_123vc from ".styles.sass.js"`

[ ] JSX className attributes should be expanded from strings to arrays where each class name is a key on the css-module import. Fallback should be just using key as a string

`"foo bar" => [styles_123vc["foo"] || "foo", styles_123vc["foo"] || "bar"]`

[ ] if a css-module object is imported then the JSX should output a top level fragment where the first entry is a link tag referencing the corresponding css file

End goal: use the newest dart-sass features & allow css-modoule use without sacrificing pug's sleek querySelector-like markup:

❤️ p.foo-bar | 💔 p(className=styleImport.fooBar).

Eliminate need to write link-tags through babel injecting said tag if css-module mappings object is imported.