
:wrench: Upload LUA files to NodeMCU

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Upload/Download LUA files to your ESP8266 module with NodeMCU firmware.

Simple. Command Line. Cross-Platform. File Management. NodeMCU.

$ npm install nodemcu-tool -g


Tool Summary

NodeMCU Tool allows you to

  • Upload LUA files to your ESP8266/NodeMCU module
  • Upload any file-types (binary save)
  • Bulk/Multi file uploads
  • Download any file-type (binary save)
  • Delete files
  • Format the file system
  • Simple Serial Terminal to interact with NodeMCU
  • Show existing files on your module
  • Precompile LUA files live on NodeMCU
  • Optimize LUA files before uploading by stripping comments (saves flash memory)
  • Use the NodeMcuConnector API in your own projects
  • Apply Project based configurations
  • Run files on NodeMCU and display the output

directly from the command line.

Successful tested on Windows10, Debian 8.2 and Ubuntu 14 LTS - works out of the box without any tweaks

Related Documents


  • NodeMCU Original NodeMCU Module OR any ESP8266 platform with NodeMCU Firmware
  • Upload Transfer files from your PC to NodeMCU/ESP8266 module
  • Download Transfer files/obtaining information from the module


To use/install the NodeMCU-Tool, you have to prepare your system to match the following requirements. Especially as beginner, you should read this part carefully

NodeMCU Serial Driver

Depending on your Module-Type you have to install the platform-specific driver for the usb-serial-interface. The original NodeMCU v0.9 comes with a CH341 chip with may requires manual driver installation. Modern versions like 1.0 use a CP210x chip with work out of the box on most common systems. Other ESP8266 platforms may user other interfaces - please refer to their user manuals!


The NodeMCU-Tool is written in javascript and requires Node.js as runtime environment. And please don't worry about the wording - NodeMCU and Node.js are two complete different things!

In case you're not familiar with Node.js and NPM it's recommended to read some basic introductions first! Please download the Node.js installer and install on your system in case it's not already there.


Thanks to Node.js, the NodeMCU-Tool is platform independent and will run on Windows, Linux und OSX. There are different installation variants available (system wide or project based).

via NPM (Node.js Package Manager)

Global Installation

It's recommended to install nodemcu-tool as global package. NPM will register the binary automatically in your path - it will be directly available on the command line.

$ npm install nodemcu-tool -g

Global Installation as root

The global installation may require administrator(root) privileges because the package is added to the systems library path. If you get any permission errors on Linux/Mac OS run the command as root or via sudo

$ sudo npm install nodemcu-tool -g

Local/Project related Installation

You can also install it in your local project directory. When using this method, the nodemcu-tool command is not registered within your path!

$ npm install nodemcu-tool

In this case, the binary file is located in node_modules/nodemcu-tool/bin/nodemcu-tool.js

As Archive from GitHub

You can also download the latest release directly from GitHub and extract the sources to your project directory. When using this method, the nodemcu-tool command is not registered within your path. You have to register it manually using a symlink - or the recommended way: call the binary file ./bin/nodemcu-tool.js directly.

First Steps

1. The Location of the binary file

After installing NodeMCU-Tool you should open a new terminal window and check if the tool is working by obtaining the current version. It should output the current semantic-version tag. Depending on your installation type (global ==> file is registered into your path) you can use the tool directly or you have to go into the module directory:

For Global Installations (Win/Linux/OSX)

The binary file is registered within your path. This tutorial assumes that you have installed the tool globally. Otherwise you have to modify the program-call as described below.

$ nodemcu-tool --version

For Local Installations

This means you have installed nodemcu-tool via NPM without the -g (global) flag or via the .zip / .tar package. There will be no global shortcut to the nodemcu-tool binary! The binary is located in node_modules/nodemcu-tool/bin/nodemcu-tool.js

Linux, OSX
$ cd node_modules/nodemcu-tool/bin
$ ./nodemcu-tool.js --version

You have to call the node.exe runtime in your command!

$ cd node_modules/nodemcu-tool/bin
$ node nodemcu-tool.js --version

2. Identify Your NodeMCU Device

Now you can connect the NodeMCU Module to your computer. The module will be accessible via a virtual serial port. You can identify the port by using the devices command. In this example, it is connected via /dev/ttyUSB0. Keep in mind that you have to provide the device-name to NodeMCU-Tool on each command!

./nodemcu-tool devices
[NodeMCU] Connected Devices | Total: 1
          |- /dev/ttyUSB0 (Silicon_Labs, usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0)

3. Create the initial File System

This will remove all existing files on the module but is required when running the module for the first time. You can skip this step in case you've already done that manually!

$ nodemcu-tool mkfs --port=/dev/ttyUSB0
[NodeMCU-Tool] Do you really want to format the filesystem and delete all file ? (no) yes
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Formatting the file system...this will take around ~30s
[NodeMCU] File System created | format done.

4. Upload a new File

$ nodemcu-tool upload --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --optimize helloworld.lua
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "main.lua" ...
[NodeMCU-Tool] Data Transfer complete!

5. Run It directly and view the output

$ nodemcu-tool run helloworld.lua
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Running "helloworld.lua"
Hello World!
String: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr

Project based configuration

In case you're using different serial port or the baudrate-settings, it's possible to create a configuration file with specific settings for your project. To initially create the configuration file, use the init command:

$ nodemcu-tool init
[NodeMCU-Tool] Creating project based configuration file..
[NodeMCU-Tool] Baudrate in Bit per Seconds, e.g. 9600 (default) (9600) 9600
[NodeMCU-Tool] Serial connection to use, e.g. COM1 or /dev/ttyUSB2 (/dev/ttyUSB0) COM3

This will create a JSON based configuration file named .nodemcutool in your current directory - you can edit this file manually

Example Configuration

In this Example, the baudrate is changed to 19.2k and COM3 is selected as default port. Additionally the --optimize and --compile flags are set permanently.

    "baudrate": "19200",
    "port": "COM3",
    "compile": true,
    "optimize": true,
    "keeppath": true

Configuration Keys

All configuration options are optional

  • baudrate (int) - the default baudrate in bits per second
  • port (string) - the comport to use
  • compile (boolean) - compile lua files after upload
  • optimize (boolean) - optimize files before uploading
  • keeppath (boolean) - keep the relative file path in the destination filename (i.e: static/test.html will be named static/test.html)


  • NodeMCU-Tool will only search in the current directory for the .nodemcutool file!
  • All default options can be overwritten by using the command line options
  • The .nodemcutool file is only recognized in CLI Mode NOT in API Mode


General Syntax

$ nodemcu-tool [options] command [args..]


To configure the connection settings you can use the global options --port <port> and --baud <baudrate> to select the serial port and baudrate. The default values are 9600bps as baudrate and /dev/ttyUSB0 as serial device


$ nodemcu-tool --port=/dev/ttyUSB1 --baudrate=115200 run test.lua

Show Help

To get an overview of all available commands, just call the tool with the --help option.


$ nodemcu-tool --help

  Usage: nodemcu-tool [options] [command]


    fsinfo [options]         Show file system info (current files, memory usage)
    run <file>               Executes an existing .lua or .lc file on NodeMCU
    upload [options] <file>  Upload Files to NodeMCU (ESP8266) target
    download <file>          Download files from NodeMCU (ESP8266) target
    remove <file>            Removes a file from NodeMCU filesystem
    mkfs [options]           Format the SPIFFS filesystem - ALL FILES ARE REMOVED
    terminal                 Opens a Terminal connection to NodeMCU
    init                     Initialize a project-based Configuration (file) within current directory
    devices [options]        Shows a list of all available NodeMCU Modules/Serial Devices


    -h, --help             output usage information
    -V, --version          output the version number
    -p, --port <port>      Serial port device name e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0, COM1
    -b, --baud <baudrate>  Serial Port Baudrate in bps, default 9600
    --silent               Enable silent mode - no status messages are shown

Show connected NodeMCU Modules

To show a list of all connected NodeMCU Modules you can use the devices command. It will filter NodeMCU Modules by its USB VendorID

Syntax `nodemcu-tool [options] devices


  • --all | Show ALL connected serial devices, not only NodeMCU modules (filtered by USB vendorId)
  • --json | Outputs the device list as JSON Array, Status messages are rejected


$ nodemcu-tool devices
[NodeMCU] Connected Devices | Total: 1
          |- /dev/ttyUSB0 (Silicon_Labs, usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0)

Upload Files

The most important task of this tool: upload local files to the module.

Syntax nodemcu-tool [options] upload <local-filenames...>


  • --optimize | Remove Comments, Whitespaces and empty lines from the file before upload
  • --compile | Compiles the uploaded .lua file into executable bytecode and removes the source .lua file (performance)
  • --keeppath | Keeps the relative file path in the destination filename (i.e: static/test.html will be named static/test.html)
  • --remotename | Set the destination file name

Example 1

Upload and optimize the file "test.lua"

$ nodemcu-tool --port=/dev/ttyUSB1 --optimize --compile upload test.lua
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "toolkit/test.lua" ...
[NodeMCU-Tool] Data Transfer complete!
[NodeMCU] compiling lua file..
[NodeMCU] Success
[NodeMCU] Original LUA file removed

Example 2

Upload and precompile a new main file

$ nodemcu-tool --compile upload main.lua

Example 3

Upload a text file.

$ nodemcu-tool upload HelloWorld.txt

Example 4

Upload a static file and keep its relative path as remote name.

$ nodemcu-tool upload static/hello.html --keeppath

The remote file name will be "static/hello.html"

Example 5

Relative parts of the local filename got removed - useful when having split your project into different party

$ nodemcu-tool upload ../../projectX/static/hello.html --keeppath

The remote file name will be "projectX/static/hello.html"

Example 6

Upload a text file and change its remote name.

$ nodemcu-tool upload HelloWorld.txt --remotename MyFile.txt

The remote file name will be "MyFile.txt"

Example 7

Upload multiple files to the module at once and compile LUA files. Non-existing files will be ignored!

$ nodemcu-tool upload helloworld.lua dev/f1.lua dev/f2.lua xxx.txt dev/f3.lua helloworld.lua test.lua --keeppath --compile
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "helloworld.lua" >> "helloworld.lua"...
[NodeMCU]  |- compiling lua file..
[NodeMCU]  |- success
[NodeMCU]  |- original LUA file removed
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "dev/f1.lua" >> "dev/f1.lua"...
[NodeMCU]  |- compiling lua file..
[NodeMCU]  |- Success
[NodeMCU]  |- Original LUA file removed
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "dev/f2.lua" >> "dev/f2.lua"...
[NodeMCU]  |- compiling lua file..
[NodeMCU]  |- Success
[NodeMCU]  |- Original LUA file removed
[NodeMCU-Tool] Local file not found "xxx.txt" skipping...
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "dev/f3.lua" >> "dev/f3.lua"...
[NodeMCU]  |- compiling lua file..
[NodeMCU]  |- Success
[NodeMCU]  |- Original LUA file removed
[NodeMCU-Tool] Uploading "helloworld.lua" >> "helloworld.lua"...
[NodeMCU]  |- compiling lua file..
[NodeMCU]  |- Success
[NodeMCU]  |- Original LUA file removed
[NodeMCU-Tool] Local file not found "test.lua" skipping...
[NodeMCU-Tool] Bulk File Transfer complete!

Download Files

To backup files or fetch recorded data, NodeMCU-Tool allows you to download these files from NodeMCU using the download command. A file with the same name as the remote-file is created in the current working directory - the path is dropped!

Syntax nodemcu-tool [options] download <remote-filename>


$ nodemcu-tool download main.lua
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU-Tool] Downloading "main.lua" ...
[NodeMCU-Tool] Data Transfer complete!
[NodeMCU-Tool] File "main.lua" created

Delete Files

To delete files on your Module use the remove command

Syntax nodemcu-tool [options] remove <remote-filename>


$ nodemcu-tool remove test.lua
$ nodemcu-tool remove test.lc

File System Info

Maybe you want to retrieve the flash free space or get a list of all files stored in the SPIFFS

Syntax nodemcu-tool [options] fsinfo


  • --json | Outputs the file list as JSON Array, Status messages are rejected


$ nodemcu-tool fsinfo
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Free Disk Space: 3339 KB | Total: 3346 KB
[NodeMCU] Files stored into Flash (SPIFFS)
          |- init.lua (871 Bytes)
          |- telnet-server.lc (784 Bytes)
          |- wifi.lc (988 Bytes)
          |- main.lua (255 Bytes)
          |- test.lc (264 Bytes)
          |- terminal-server.lc (852 Bytes)
          |- package.json (397 Bytes)
          |- LICENSE.md (1089 Bytes)

Format the File System

To store file in the SPI Flash, the file system needs to be initialized. This have to be done before uploading any files to the modules. Otherwise no file will be stored. This command also allows you to delete all files on the module.

Syntax nodemcu-tool [options] mkfs


  • --noninteractive | Execute command without user interaction (dialog to confirm the formatting is disabled)


$ nodemcu-tool mkfs
[NodeMCU-Tool] Do you really want to format the filesystem and delete all file ? (no) yes
[NodeMCU-Tool] Connected
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Formatting the file system...this will take around ~30s
[NodeMCU] File System created | format done.

Run/Execute Files

For testing purpose, you can execute uploaded scripts (lua, lc) with the tool and capture the output (the dofile() function is invoked).

Syntax nodemcu-tool [options] run <remote-filename>


$ nodemcu-tool run test.lua
[NodeMcuConnector] Connecting..
[NodeMcuConnector] ONLINE. Fetching device data..
[NodeMCU] Version: 0.9.5 | ChipID: 0xd1aa | FlashID: 0x1640e0
[NodeMCU] Running "test.lua"
Hello World!
HEllo HEllo Hello
String: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr

Terminal Mode

Notice - This Mode is currently experimental and may not work with all versions of node.js (tested with v4.2.3)

The Terminal mode will open a direct serial connection to NodeMCU and passes all keyboard inputs to the module. This allows you to interact with the module during development without the need of an additional serial terminal. You can quit the terminal session by pressing ctrl+c

Syntax nodemcu-tool [options] terminal


$ nodemcu-tool terminal
[SerialTerminal] Starting Terminal Mode - press ctrl+c to exit
Hello World!
HEllo HEllo Hello
String: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr
> [SerialTerminal] Connection closed

Behind the Scene

Many beginners may ask how the tool is working because there is no binary interface documented like FTP to access files.

The answer is quite simple: NodeMCU-Tool implements a serial terminal connection to the Module and runs some command line based lua commands like file.open(), file.write() to access the filesystem. That's it!

Since Version 1.2 it's also possible to transfer binary files to your device. NodeMCU-Tool uses a hexadecimal encode/decoding to transfer the files binary save! The required encoding (file downloads) / decoding (file uploads) functions are automatically uploaded on each operation.

Systems Architecture

The Tool is separated into the following components (ordered by its invocation)

  1. bin/nodemcu-tool.js - the command line user interface handler based on commander
  2. lib/NodeMCU-Tool.js - Highlevel Access to the main functions. Error and Status messages are handled there
  3. lib/NodeMcuConnector.js - the Core which handles the LUA command based communication to the NodeMCU Module
  4. lib/ScriptableSerialTerminal.js - the lowlevel part - a terminal session to the NodeMCU Module to run the LUA commands

Application Stack

CLI User Frontend
|                      |
|    nodemcu-tool      |
|                      |
|| Message and Error Handling
|                      |
|  lib/NodeMCU-Tool.js |
|                      |
|| Core Functions
|                      |
| lib/NodeMcuConnector |
|                      |
|| Low|Level Command Transport
|                      |
|lib/ScriptableSerial- |
|Terminal              |
|| Serial Communication
|  node|serialport     |

Programmatic Usage and Low Level API

It's possible to use the underlying "NodeMcuConnector" in your own projects to communicate with a NodeMCU based device. Or you can call the bin file with an external tool. For more details, take a look into the Programmatic Usage Guide


Do you provide more Examples/Use Cases ?

Of course, check the Examples file (tool usage) as well as the examples/ directory for third party examples

The serial file transfer is pretty slow

By default, the serial connection uses a 9600 baud with 8N1 - this means maximal 960 bytes/s raw data rate. Due to the limitations of a line-wise file upload, these maximal transfer rate cannot be reached, because every line has to be processed by the lua interpreter and NodeMCU-Tool is waiting for it's response. It's recommended to use the --optimize flag to strip whitespaces before uploading

Any Questions ? Report a Bug ? Enhancements ?

Please open a new issue on GitHub


Contributors are welcome! Even if you are not familiar with javascript you can help to improve the documentation!


NodeMCU-Tool is OpenSource and licensed under the Terms of The MIT License (X11). You're welcome to contribute!