Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
This repo contains the solution code for the Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets lesson
What is covered
Throughout this lesson we'll learn how to use Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, or SASS for short, to write short-hand CSS, and to use variables, functions and loops to make our code much more re-usable.
This repository contains the solution code for the following units -
- 01-TheRiseOfTheSuperheroes
- 01-buckle_up
- 02-WithGreatPowerComesGreatResponsibility
- 01-css_extensions
- 02-scss_as_a_scripting_language_with_logic
- 03-scss_as_a_scripting_language_mixins
- 03-SCSSInRealLife
- 01-structuring_your_project_with_scss
- 04-ResponsiveWebDesignWithSCSS
- 01-revisiting_the_media_rule
- 05-SCSSChallenges
- 01-mixin_challenge
- 02-container_class_challenge
- 03-placeholder_challenge
- 04-selector_challenge