Phase Velocity Sensitivity Kernels

Calculates the phase velocity sensitivity kernels using eigenfunctions from MINEOS.


Build system is configured by cmake. This will download and build MINEOS (without installing the binaries), and then build the kernels scripts.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

This will produce the kernels executable in the build directory, and also install the executable as per cmake rules e.g. /usr/local/bin/kernels on Mac OS. This has only been tested on Mac OS using gfortran 10.2.0 and clang 12.0.5 as the fortran compiler.


From the build directory, run

./kernels <path/to/earth/model> <output/directory>

The input earth model file should be of the same format as used by minos_bran in MINEOS. The program will output the same outputs as minos_bran and eigcon, as well as ASCII files with the eigenfunctions and sensitivity kernels.

The sensitivity kernels are saved in <output/directory>/kernelsasc, with each file named X.N.L.ASC where X is the mode type (e.g. S for spheroidal mode), N is the overtone (e.g. 0 for the fundamental overtone), and L is the angular oder. The files columns are radius, Kkappa, Kmu, Kalpha, Kbeta.

A simple python plotting script is given, that takes in the <output/directory> as a command line argument and plots a few of the Kbeta kernels.

python src/ <output/directory>