
Browser extension (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge) to redirect urls based on regex patterns, like a client side mod_rewrite.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Web browser extension (Firefox, Vivaldi, Chrome, Opera, Edge) to redirect URLs based on regex or wildcard patterns.


In loving memory of Einar Egilsson, who gave us Redirector and selflessly nurtured it for many years. We miss you Einar, and will always remember your kindness and generosity.

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  • Example URL: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/
  • Include pattern: ^(https?://)([a-z0-9-]*\.)m(?:obile)?\.(.*)
  • Redirect to: $1$2$3
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: Always show the desktop site of a webpage

AMP redirect

  • Example URL: https://www.google.com/amp/www.example.com/amp/document
  • Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)www.(?:google|bing).com/amp/(?:s/)?(.*)
  • Redirect to: https://$1
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: AMP is bad: https://80x24.net/post/the-problem-with-amp/

Doubleclick escaper

  • Example URL: https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/trackclk/N135005.2681608PRIVATENETWORK/B20244?https://www.example.com
  • Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)ad.doubleclick.net/.*\?(http?s://.*)
  • Redirect to: $1
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: Remove doubleclick link tracking / fix problems with doubleclick host based blocking

YouTube Shorts to YouTube

  • Example URL: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/video-id
  • Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)(?:www.)?youtube.com/shorts/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(.*)
  • Redirect to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1$2
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: Redirect YouTube Shorts to regular YouTube

Fun with !bangs

What are bangs?: https://duckduckgo.com/bangs

Use DuckDuckGo.com !bangs on Google

  • Example URL: https://www.google.com/search?&ei=-FvkXcOVMo6RRwW5p5DgBg&q=asdfasdf%21+sadfas&oq=%21asdfasdf+sadfas&gs_l=asdfsadfafsgaf
  • Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)(?:www.)google\.(?:com|au|de|co\.uk)/search\?(?:.*)?(?:oq|q)=([^\&]*\+)?((?:%21|!)[^\&]*)
  • Redirect to: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=$1$2
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: Redirect any Google query with a !bang to DDG

Custom DuckDuckGo.com !bangs

DDG !example Base

  • Example URL: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=!example&get=other
  • Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)(?:.*\.)?duckduckgo.com/\?q=(?:%21|!)example(?=[^\+]|$)(?=\W|$)
  • Redirect to: https://example.com/
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: Redirect to the base site when !bang is the only search parameter

DDG !example Search

  • Example URL: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=searchterm+!example+searchterm2&get=other
  • Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)(?:.*\.)?duckduckgo.com/\?q=(.*\+)?(?:(?:%21|!)example)(?:\+([^\&\?\#]*))?(?:\W|$)
  • Redirect to: https://example.com/?query=$1$2
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: Redirect to custom site search

DDG !ghh git-history

  • Example URL: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=!ghh+https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fbabel%2Fbabel%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2Fpackages%2Fbabel-core%2FREADME.md&adfasfasd
  • Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)duckduckgo.com/\?q=(?:(?:%21|!)ghh\+)(?:.*)(github|gitlab|bitbucket)(?:\.org|\.com)(.*?(?=\&))
  • Redirect to: https://$1.githistory.xyz$2
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: Create new !ghh bang that redirects to https://githistory.xyz
  • Advanced:
    • Process matches: URL decode

Fast DuckDuckGo.com !bangs

Go directly to frequently used DuckDuckGo bangs to avoid intermediary network requests.

  • Example URL: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=foo+bar+%21google+test+bar
  • Include pattern: ^https://duckduckgo\.com/\?q=(.*)\+(?:%21|!)google\b\+(.*?)(?:&|$)
  • Redirect to: https://google.com/search?hl=en&q=$1+$2
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: DuckDuckGo → Google !bang shortcut (prefix AND suffix)
  • Pattern Description: Avoid extraneous + in URL with two separate patterns

  • Example URL: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=foo+bar+%21google
  • Include pattern: ^https://duckduckgo\.com/\?q=(.*?)\+?(?:%21|!)google\b\+?(.*?)(?:&|$)
  • Redirect to: https://google.com/search?hl=en&q=$1$2
  • Pattern type: Regular Expression
  • Description: DuckDuckGo → Google !bang shortcut (prefix OR suffix)
  • Pattern Description: Avoid extraneous + in URL with two separate patterns

Dark Theme

If you are a Firefox user and use a dark theme, you can add these lines to your userChrome.css file to make Redirector's extension button more visible:

/* Redirector button for dark Firefox themes */
toolbarbutton#toggle-button--redirectoreinaregilssoncom-redirector[image*="active"] { filter: invert(1) brightness(6); }
toolbarbutton#toggle-button--redirectoreinaregilssoncom-redirector[image*="disabled"] { filter: invert(1) brightness(2.5); }

If you don't know what the userChrome.css file is, or how to edit it, please look it up on a Firefox forum instead of asking about it in this repository. Thanks!