
A guide to some AI resources for my friends and I.


#####Introduction There are wonderful AI resources online. But, for those just getting interested in the subject, it is difficult to know where to start. This is a recommendation, in the works, based off my personal experiences as a scavenger on the internet.

What is Artificial Intelligence

How do we define intelligence? We can spend a long time discussing what "intelligence" is, but generally, its the ability to learn from the past and apply knowledge to solve some goal. For example, if someone were to sit down with you and orally teach you a new board game, you could pick it up quickly because you've learned similar strategic concepts in the past. Even, if you couldn't understand everything in the beginning, you'd learn as you play, from examples and experiences (the current state of AI is more like the latter).

Artificial Intelligence is a broad field that is more than just learning how to learn. It also deals with communication, and mobility of robotic arms and legs. In short, it is the developing computers to make them "intelligent". Intelligent can mean different things: reasoning like humans, acting like humans, or doing the most logical thing.

The field was birthed in the 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence conference.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a large subdivision of AI, concerned primarily with the objective of adaptively learning. With experience, a computer should get better at its goal, whether its recommending movies or identifying dogs.

Intro to AI

  • Introduction to the general field
  • Recommended should having working knowlede of basic calculus, algorithms (graphs)

Patrick Winston. 6.034 Artificial Intelligence. Fall 2010. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

Intro to ML

  • Recommended to know probability, calculus, linear algebra.

Andrew Ng. CS229 Machine Learning. Fall 2016. Stanford University: http://cs229.stanford.edu/

Neural Networks

  • You've probably heard of neural networks (deep learning) due to its success in computer vision (think self-driving cars) and AlphaGo among others. It is a concept in ML and is another thing you should add to your toolbox of knowledge.

  • Recommended. Calculus and Linear Algebra.

Hugo Larochelle. Neural Networks Class. Fall 2013. Université de Sherbrooke.