Prerequisites: Imagemagick, rmagick, Authlogic, ckeditor, MySQL, Rails 3, acts_as_list, friendly_id, will_paginate Uses: Paperclip for image attachments, ckeditor-rails for WYSIWYG editing, recaptcha for comment validation, dynamic_form Installation: 1) Clone from git repository 2) Copy config/database.yml.sample to config/database.yml and complete it 3) Update mailer settings in config/initializers/setup_mail.rb and app/mailers/contact_mailer.rb 4) Run "git submodule init" 5) Run "git submodule update" 6) Run "bundle install" 7) Run "rake db:migrate" 8) Visit, request reCaptcha keys using a Google account, and copy them into a file config/initializers/recaptcha.rb that follows the structure of the sample file, config/initializers/recaptcha.rb.sample. HTML5 Element Hierarchy: When designing a layout for the app, use this hierarchy for quick and easy styling: HTML HEAD BODY HEADER ARTICLE (main content goes here) FOOTER Within pages, the following HTML5 elements are used for pages composed of columns, which in turn are composed of blocks. SECTION (individual column) DIV.block (single block for content) HGROUP H1 H2 The blog also uses this hierarchy: SECTION (one blog post) HGROUP H1 H2 P (blog content)