Deploy a static website with Amazon S3

Primary LanguageHTML


Deploy a static website with Amazon S3

We're going to configure an S3 bucket for static web hosting.


  • AWS Account
  • Basic knowledge on Cloud Computing

Architecture Diagram


  • Sign into your AWS management console
  • Select S3
  • Create bucket
  • Upload the files to the bucket
  • Enable stactic web hosting on the bucket
  • Enable public access to the objects in the files by using ACLs or a Bucket Policy
  • Access the bucket endpoint url over the internet.

For a more detailed explanation checkout my blog here:


Upon completing the steps you should now have a stactic website up and running on Amazon S3!!

Checkout my simple blog website I deployed to S3 here: http://hottie-hashnode-demo.s3-website.af-south-1.amazonaws.com