
Simple ranking system for an old and forgotten game

Primary LanguagePHP

Total Annihilation Ranking Build Status

A basic API for ranking players in Total Annihilation games. Although an API is availiable, it also contains a basic implementation for (basic) usage.


  • PHP >= 5.3.10
  • PHP Modules
    • APC (used by Doctrine)
    • mbstring (used by Respect/Validation)
    • zip (used by Symfony Components)
    • timezonedb
  • Database extension (SQLite is default)


This application should run on any Operating System, but it was only tested on Mac OSX 10.6.

It uses an .htaccess file for URL Rewriting in Apache web server, if you are going to use any other, please: be sure that all requests are redirected to /public/index.php unless the given request resource exists in the file system, inside the /public folder.

The Document Root should be pointed to /public.

To install the project dependencies (they are necessary), run Composer's installation command inside the project directory as follow:

$ cd <project root folder>
$ chmod a+x bin/composer.phar bin/doctrine
$ bin/composer.phar install

This application needs a database connection, without configuration it creates a SQLite database into the root directory of the application called database.sqlite.

Database configuration can be set via Enviroment Variables and they are:

  • RANKING_DB_HOST: The host to connect
  • RANKING_DB_USER: Username used to connect to the databse
  • RANKING_DB_PASSWD: Password of the before mentioned username
  • RANKING_DB_NAME: The database name that are going to be used
  • RANKING_DB_DRIVER: The php extension that are going to be used for connection

Project Structure

This project uses several components in order to work correctly, providing an easy, fast and scalable way of development, they are:

  • Respect/Rest: Front Controller of the application, know what to do with all requests
  • Respect/Validation: Used for validation information inside the project
  • Respect/Config: Easy dependecy injection container (Used to serve Doctrine's EntityManager)
  • Doctrine: Object Relation Mapper and Database Abstraction Layer (both are used)
  • Twig: A simple templating system
  • PHPUnit: Tool for unit testing the code (used by developers only)
  • Composer: Dependency management, maintains all the above components installed and up-to-date

The directory structure is very widely-used:

  • bin: commands availiable to be executed (Ex: Composer, Doctrine)
  • conf: INI files that are used by Respect/Config
  • public: Document root. Contains an index.php with the routes (see Respect/Rest) and the resources (images, stylesheets, (java)scripts)
  • src: The classes of this project
  • tests: Unit tests for the project
  • vendor: Created by composer, it is where all the components's code live
  • templates: HTML templates for the application (used by Twig)