
Project for studying Elastic Search + Filebeat + Kibana

MIT LicenseMIT

EFK (Elastic Search + Filebeat + Kibana)

Project for studying EFK + Docker + logback-appender

Example project (SpringBoot + Docker)

Building infrastructure

  1. Clone project SpringBoot project with logback-appender + Docker
  2. Building application and docker image: mvn clean install docker:build
  3. Building docker container: docker run -d --name springboot-app --label elastic_index=springboot --label send.logs=true -p 8002:8080 augustomarinho/springboot-fluentd-appender

Testing App

  1. Calling endpoint for testing: curl -X GET http://localhost:8002/query/cpf/12345678909 -v
  2. Verify logs as a json format: docker logs springboot-app
  3. Check output format (must be similar to below example)
{"@timestamp":"2019-04-13T18:38:51.525+00:00","@version":1,"message":"Recendo requisicao para CPF 12345678909","logger_name":"com.am.study.application.controllers.ControllerExample","thread_name":"http-nio-8080-exec-5","level":"INFO","level_value":20000,"CPF":"12345678909"}

Running Elastic Search and Kibana

  1. Downloading docker-compose file - Credits for docker-compose file: https://alysivji.github.io/elasticsearch-kibana-with-docker-compose.html
  2. Execute on terminal this command: sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 - more details about it:
  3. Running Elastich Search and Kibana: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate
  4. Link Kibana: http://localhost:5601 | Link Elasticsearch: http://localhost:8100

Running Filebeat

  1. docker pull docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:7.0.0
  2. Download file filebeat.yml from https://github.com/augustomarinho/efk/blob/master/devops/filebeat/filebeat.yml
  3. Copy filebeat.yml to /filebeat directory
  4. Creating a filebeat directory: mkdir /filebeat
  5. docker run -d
    docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:7.0.0 filebeat -e -strict.perms=false -E beat.name=`hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1` -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=["`hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1`:9200"]